The Gauntlet

Every time I see him on Criminal Minds I'm just waiting for him to say "I don't get mad; I get stabby".

We pay eight dollars for the night, and you can take two popsicles out of the freezer.

Indirect influences
I'm not sure that my parents ever sat me down and said "listen to (or watch) this, it's amazing". I think my dad did it with Led Zeppelin and Cream, and maybe Monty Python.

Sames, Harbinger. I remember I won some nerdy school prize in second grade. The prize was a bookstore gift certificate and I walked into the bookstore with my mum to discover that a brand new Roald Dahl book (Matilda) had just been released. I was beside myself, and spent the next couple of hours sitting in the car

Amelie may disagree with you there.

The two most commonly quoted around my household:

Mr Reck? What?

Steve - actually, bogans would more than likely be the target audience for the ads.

If you're offering the same "reward" that Riff and Phel got, then I'm not sure I can assist. But I'm open to suggestion.

That is probably the least confronting anti-smoking ad we've had in australia for some time. Here are a few from the previous series:

Fuck. Neither Snape's nor PW's comments were there when I wrote that. Way to ruin my flow AND steal my thunder PW.

(And Roseanne on Betamax)

Also, if you're The Future, shouldn't you already know whether or not the Decider ever ends up in any of those cities?

[Jorge's Show] - brought to you by Thingamajig.

Agreed. I saw her supporting Sufjan Stevens when he toured at the beginning of 2008 and wasn't particularly impressed, but her vocal performance on Hazards of Love has convinced me to give her a second look.

No. I also think Picaresque is their best work. I thought The Crane Wife was good, but a little patchy.

Yeah, "Get Lonely" is the best breakup album I've ever heard. Mostly because Darnielle gets into how hard the minutiae of day to day life becomes in the immediate aftermath, when it hurts just to be awake.

I totally feel you on the Colin Meloy/Decemberists thing, Riff. I was dating a lovely girl for a few months, and had just started getting into the Decemberists when we got together. We would just lie around together and listen to their records and then talk about them.

I agree with Riff. Start with "Funeral" which is pure, unadulterated amazingness. Then get "Neon Bible". And then, if you're still keen, grab the self titled EP that was basically an early demo kind of thing (but is useful to see how their sound developed over time).

Except the Chinese don't even bother exporting their stuff any more. They just, you know, poison a bunch of babies with melaminated (I may have just made up a word) milk.