The Gauntlet

Ankle, leg, muscle, bone, sinew, skin, head, knees, heart and ventricles.

Despite probably not qualifying, The Hokey Pokey does reference hands and feet a lot.

I second Preparation Heche's Spinal Tap vote.

"Slow down, sir. You're going to give yourself skin failure."

Still, that camera being there probably contributed to him ultimately getting the surgery. So while I agree with you that it would suck, it probably had a silver lining.

That guy was fairly regularly featured on news websites here. I think he was from Indonesia or something.

I interviewed these guys when they were in Australia a couple of weeks ago, but had only managed to get my hands on a promo copy of the new album an hour or so before. My first question began with, "So this album still has your trademark angular guitars, but you've opened the palette up a bit moreā€¦"

Spiegeltent or City Recital Hall?

I don't see why the fact that their songs often amount to period pieces and they like to use antiquated words and phrasing necessarily makes them pretentious.

I've always thought "Gold" was the best album. I also think the "Love Is Hell" EPs are awesome.

I am so glad he's got some Australian dates before "the end". Due to geographical and bucks-party-attendance issues I've missed seeing him on all of his previous tours. So I'm very much looking forward to seeing him. I won't even mind if it's a meltdown show.

Given that it's law we received from the UK I assume the full name of the offence is the same there as here: