
I currently work at McGulag's, so I hope whoever thought of All Day Breakfast is eaten by Grimace

Give us the hockey hair!

Remember when the Lips made great albums like The Soft Bulletin? Those were the days.

The Curious Incident of the Gungan in the Nighttime.

The world needs more depressing Spanish language movies with orphans.

My feelings about Kevin Sorbo's career as of late: DISAPPOINTED!

He has a delusion that he is in high school, and somehow that gives him super strength.

Robert Forster as Sheriff Dwight D. Eisenhower

I suppose it will fill the void that BC left.

I really wish "Don't Wake Stalin" was a real game.

Stephen Chow's semi adaption was pretty good, I hope he continues it

I am looking forward to the Flaming Lips/Rebecca Black crossover.

The title makes it sound like it might be a cool Isaac Hayes song, but it actually is the exact opposite of funk. Like he tried to make the unfunkiest song in existence.

Give us a tweet to @Talkwars with #Daddyissues to give us your thoughts on the end of Empire Strikes back!

You Are Still Not Very Popular Nikita Kruschev

He should be replaced by David Hayter

I hope a Nimona adaption happens as well.

Nah, George Harrison would probably just meditate

Forgive the lateness of my reply

Your dogs are tearing me apart, Candy!