I felt the same way when I had to assist William Rehnquist at a book event in 2000. Dude was wonderfully friendly and polite. I still needed to take the Silkwood shower afterwards
I felt the same way when I had to assist William Rehnquist at a book event in 2000. Dude was wonderfully friendly and polite. I still needed to take the Silkwood shower afterwards
'I took to be either due to the fact that the writers had never actually gone through the college admissions process or to some implicit social commentary on the power of nepotism.'
Yeah Lane was essentially a human Pitchfork.com whose main purpose in GG was to prove the show could get bizzay with the kidz
– some polls IIRC indicate that fewer voters are identifying as Republicans, so 82% approval probably overstates Trump's support among conservatives;
Even if we ignore the Netflix season, GG can easily be read as a show about how the American upper class sustains itself while remaining isolated from non-elite sectors of the economy. Lorelai and Rory try but fail to resist–and by the end of the series embrace–their class/monetary fortunes. I really enjoy the show…
'it's hardly unreasonable to suggest that the Democrats have moved to the right in recent decades'
This is the kind of shit that got Trump elected
I might try to catch KMFDM/Ohgr. Depends on the new record, honestly.
The KMFDM shows I've seen ranged from life-altering great (Money tour in 1992; Ultra tour with Pig in 1995) to disinterested and plodding (Beat By Beat tour in 1994; Xtort tour in 1996).
Robbie Williams is (maybe 'was' by now) amazing live. I saw him twice at the 9:30 Club in DC when he was getting his big American push. The club was half-full both times but he held the stage like he was playing Wembley.
C'mon AV Club you're better than this bill simmons bullshit
KMFDM, 6 or 7 times. Not my favorite band but the only industrial band that toured regularly in my prime concert-going years.
It's ironic because DMX has a song called 'X Gonna Give It To Ya', but he in fact did not give his money to the government.
This sounds like a lot of modern indie rock, so yeah I agree it's bad
A monkey would write better than half the stuff in Holinshed
'Even if this plot line were not inspired by an actual artifical aging drug experiment, I'd call Oz remiss if it did not do a storyline that involved unethical medicine, consent issues, and prison inmates.'
hell 5 years ago av club had something like this every day
And this begins one of the great last-season arcs of the show. Because of those gums Robson is shunned by the Nazis and has to turn himself out to stay alive. His final season addresses him having to deal with being sexually assaulted in prison, including a therapy session where he and other prisoners tell their…
I think this honor goes to Big Love, in which the last two seasons the showrunners apparently decided that Bill Hendrickson was indeed the prophet.