On balance, yes. He's my vote for worst longtime cast member in SNL history. Portlandia and Documentary Now play to his strengths, but Portlandia really used up its supply of jokes by the end of season one and it's absolutely insufferable now.
On balance, yes. He's my vote for worst longtime cast member in SNL history. Portlandia and Documentary Now play to his strengths, but Portlandia really used up its supply of jokes by the end of season one and it's absolutely insufferable now.
The recent MLA handbook made some changes that render it absolutely worthless. These days I teach only Chicago Style and APA formatting.
You're missing a supporting claim in there (between 1 & 2), which is that people in aggregate have horrible musical taste. (Supporting evidence: Taylor Swift, Chainsmokers, Rhianna, the Top 100 singles charts since 2007). It's at least a B+
But he has right about the drugs bit, only the drugs turned out to be hillbilly heroin rather than cool club drugs
'Stranger In Town' kicks so much ass
If he'd taken a shot at formerly great pop culture websites inexplicably turning onto foodie blogs he really would have hit a nerve
In fairness, the Chainsmokers are the worst thing to ever happen in the history of Western Music.
No, you're wrong, schoolboy! You don't need to work blue! You'll never play the big rooms with that crap. Ask Redd Foxx!
Dude got fat when he quit heroin, got buff afterward. Can't make fun of the guy for that, except that now he looks like a guy who in 1989 would have beaten up someone who liked Pretty Hate Machine.
That is true about the slow build. The sequel really made Austin Powers a thing.
Season 2 she actually got a really sympathetic edit–most famously they presented an inaccurate timeline of the assault on Marcel to hide her complicity in it. When she was back for a reunion season they pretty much let her be her awful self.
Counter-Counter point: U. of Iowa didn't want Dunahm to film there, and most of the MFA dept wants to take turns kicking her in the fanny
That's pretty much my list. Elia was the real villain of S2.
A lot of people who voted for Trump live in states that depend on the dept of Agriculture. So his is one he needs to take seriously.
Devos worries me more than any other cabinet pick. We might see public education completely gutted in four years.
It's disturbingly clear that Trump picked Mattis solely because some people gave him the nickname 'mad dog' (which Mattis himself apparently hates).
Ack. I guess it was no accident that U. of Iowa forced out their president to hire a guy with no academic background. It baffles me that the state that houses the University with the most prominent creative writing department in the world wants to gut that institution.
Mars Needs Moms. It was advertised as a comedy but it has two really long scenes where a kid watches their mother die, which depressed my kids like you wouldn't believe. Fuck everyone involved with that movie, including Berkeley Breathed.
Exeter was a letdown after Ultra (which was good for a comeback/retrenching record), but compared to Delta Machine–one of the blandest records I've ever heard–it's a masterpiece.
#2 and #3 in Unexpected Dave's post above make it newsworthy. Plus it's been circulating around DC for months; David Corn at Mother Jones had it, and Harry Reid and other congressmen tried to get it released to the public. Not only were Buzzfeed right to publish it, other media outlets were wrong *not* to publish it.…