The Flyin Hawaiian

damn, Scream is a 90s time capsule

I hate to take sides here because WHM and HDTGM both have their strengths and weaknesses, but I'm starting to get the impression that Paul's the only person who watches the movie for HDTGM every [ETA: other] week.

Holy shit that's an unnecessarily harsh response. Are you that lawyer guy who made Easy Rider: The Ride Back?

Also a fad? Ricky Gervais.

Absolutely, although this is part of the problem: for too many people her political career began with the vote to authorize force in Iraq. She is to the right of someone like Obama but overall her foreign policy is well within mainstream Democratic policy.

They're not far from the typical conservative position…but that's the thing. To take one example, OH residents may or may not be perfectly happy with a governor who wants to cut social security benefits because a governor can't really do that.* Say that in a presidential race, it becomes one of the defining issues of

Only five comments so far? I guess the Podcast fad is over. [ETA: or AVC's placement of this feature is depressing readership]

I'm not certain. Like Bernie, nobody really laid a glove on Kasich during the Republican primaries. His views on abortion, climate change, and especially social security would have been weak points. Other than Ohio and Iowa–both states trending Republican–I don't think he flips any blue states.

Bernie probably beats Trump, but it's a lot closer. (I'd guess Bernie loses NC, FL, NV, and OH, but otherwise the Blue firewall would hold.) There's probably no Alicia Machado, so I'm not certain stuff like the Billy Bush tape even comes out. The debates are probably a wash (two old guys shouting, who cares.) A lot of

While Bill Clinton was president she was portrayed as the crazy liberal (or, more sympathetically, the person who tried to keep Bill from going too far to the right.) It's amazing what two decades of right-wing framing can do to somebody's reputation.

Fact: Three criminal Democrat operatives performed an alien autopsy, narrated by Mitch Pileggi.


Students, of the music
At every single age
Must exercise the quotes of Shakespeare
With this life upon a stage

RIP Jon-Erik Hexum, whose inevitable career as a B-movie action star ended too soon

Frankly I think KMFDM is more likely to storm into the news studio and yell 'Hey, remember when we got blamed for Columbine? Rip the system!'

The Spoiler Space did address the Hiroshima scenes, and I don't think what Dowd writes is far from your comment:

Going by the round of interviews RBG's been given lately, I don't think she plans to retire, and she doesn't seem to care whether or not a Democrat picks her replacement. That's her right, but it's unfortunate. I wouldn't be shocked if Breyer retired before RBG, and 80-year-old Anthony Kennedy as well. In other words,

Also, Mark Rylance.

I'm holding out for Mark Hostler to kick the bucket.

We're Ciccone Youth, from New York City