The Flyin Hawaiian

1) she has been making the progressive case for herself. It's not what's getting covered by media;

I'd make that 95%. Elections now are about base turnout, not swaying undecideds.

That's a brilliant metaphor.

In my experience people who wave their credentials around to assert the authority of their claims know less then they say they do. And if you are the DPR that comes up in a google search, yeah credentialism won't help you (and you might think about deleting this thread; using your real name to insult people you

The rumor about Louis CK whipping it out in front of Garfunkel and Oates didn't originate with Gawker; it had been a page 6/blind item rumor for a long time before Gawker got a hold of it.

The best part of this video is when they put pills in his jellybeans.

'if you think it's just a big coincidence that Obama's cabinet looked like the staff for a third term of the Clinton Administration and Podesta was a longtime member of the Clinton team-'

'There's this giant cloud of anti Hillary hate (some justified IMO, some not) coming from ALL quarters that has accumulated over the last 20-30 years and we are feeling it now. There are progressive voters (and TONS of anti progressives) who really just want to punish her and are willing to inflict Trump on us and the

'Whoever heads a successful candidate's transition team has HUGE sway over the makeup of their administration in terms of personnel.'

But i also think the 'poor message coordination' is overstated as well; the default was to see it as an attempt at deceit when it was, more simply, poor message coordination, which happens (I doubt her staff get talking points on Hillary's health). Seeing it as a blunder on her part is buying into the Trumpian

So Trump, who, with a Republican congress behind him, will sell off public lands, including protected lands, for the express purpose of fracking and drilling them for oil, would be better as president? Better than Hillary who, with a Democratic administrative team in the executive branch, will protect more areas from

Some evidence that may support this idea is that Johnson appears to be taking votes away from Hillary among millennial voters. This shows that the cohort is not paying attention to policy, and are looking mostly to vote against Clinton. (Stein's taking some vote away, but not as much, but that also indicates an

I just purged the two St. Vincent albums I owned as well. It's that weird thing where I hated her last album so much that now I don't like anything she's done. Am I the only person afflicted by this kind of reverse fandom (not specifically St. Vincent, but generally)?

Whoa, put Gang of Four Songs of the Free back on that CD shelf.

Hillary couldn't win with the pneumonia thing. If she admitted she had it, the press–already giving too much credit to right-wing fiction about her health–would have talked about the 'clouds' surrounding her health, and they still probably would have hit her, somehow, for not being forthright.

I'm starting to wonder if the end of Colbert and possibly Stewart on Comedy Central has hurt Hillary's numbers with the 18-24 crowd.

He wore a surgical mask during her visit, so yes, less fair.

Matt Taibbi, though he's done some great work, doesn't give a shit about electoral politics, and this is not him at his best.

The one thing I wish I could drill into younger voters' heads is that, for all the Clinton-era legislation you don't like, Hillary was usually credited for keeping Bill grounded from the left. She was always considered the more liberal of the two.

There's a lot of space between 'But didn't you used to talk about how well you knew Putin?' and a full-on Mike Wallace assault that Fallon could have occupied.