The Flyin Hawaiian

Absolutely, like how George W. Bush accidentally chose liberal justices John Roberts and Sam Alito

I might be remembering wrong, but I thought he was going to essentially avoid covering the election on his show? That's not a bad strategy. Alternatively, his show would be a good forum to revive 'Better Know a District'.


Eleanor Roosevelt did what she had to so she could put herself through school

Everything about this movie looks like a focus group's notion of edgy.


I think it was trying to set us up for Stone's scene with the doctor by showing how vulnerable he feels about his skin condition (keeping his shirt and socks on during sex highlighting his embarrassment). Also, my first read was that he and the prostitute had a longstanding arrangement, and that was supposed to make

buy for a dollar; sell for two

GMO labeling is based on faulty science. I'm afraid of anything based on faulty science. And progressives are supposed to be opposed to faulty science. Also, it's a different issue from the pesticide/Monsanto stuff, with is a concern but not one that Stein can do any better than the EPA already is (and not related to

Seriously. Judging from some of HBO's recent dramas they could stand to rewatch some classic L&O to learn how to tell a story again.

The networks had Nader coverage all the time, especially as the election drew closer. I don't see why you find this hard to believe. He was not a fringe candidate in 2000; he ran hard against Gore and got a lot of MSM press for it.

The problem with Palestine in American politics is that most people don't care. There's no critical mass of voters who care the issues enough to shift either party's platform. That's sad but true.

Just got back from seeing this.

'Are you sure MSNBC wanted to emphasize the Bernie busters' power or just gin up some party infighting?'

I'm referring to saturation coverage in news media, not paid media. Shutting Nader out of the debates got him more airtime than if he'd been included.

Curse Better Call Saul for giving people hope that spin-offs/prequels could be good things. Don't do it, HBO!

Too bad you can't read this then, but you're really using chop-logic here:

Slate's takedown gives a solid analysis of her ignorance of fiscal policy:

You realize that plenty of Democrats are critical of Israel's treatment of Palestine? And the number of voters who would see that issue as one that demands a third party is, like, six.