I don't know if you've seen part 5 yet, but it certainly makes the case that OJ got a far harsher sentence than any other defendant would have.
I don't know if you've seen part 5 yet, but it certainly makes the case that OJ got a far harsher sentence than any other defendant would have.
We're saved! No more off brand snark; the real thing's coming back!
She's richer than god; I'm certain she votes republican all the time.
That was the saddest thing I've ever read
Brenda's strange obsession was for certain vegetables and fruits
You're still buggin about a four-month-old argument? Get a life!
I don't think most artists want music to be a 'lucrative career path', just a career path, a means of reliable income with which they can sustain themselves. Steaming's making that increasingly more difficult to do (and it was already fairly difficult).
Unrelated, but, did they pull that Big Jay Oakerson Hatesong thing? Or did I have a nightmare that Kevin Owens became a shitty comedian and said some nasty shit about Seal?
No idea he was in that. Will watch again!
Bush was totally moderate on gay rights, women's equality, and reproductive rights, certainly.
Re: Divas: I think Charlotte's heeling real well so she should keep the belt for awhile. Im hoping they're holding back Sasha for Wrestlemania.
1) I think Owens wins MITB.
Also no punch here. The Batman theme's a legit surf-punk classic.
Test Dept, "Terra Firma'
Meat Beat Manifesto, 'Nuclear Bomb'
New Order, 'The Perfect Kiss (7" edit)'
Joy Electric, 'The North Sea'
Axodry, 'Surrender [12" Mix]'
New Order, 'Truth'
Cult of Youth, 'Down the Moon'
A Chud Convention, 'Patient Sorrow'
:wumpscut:, 'Jesus Gone'
Front Line Assembly, 'Virus'
The Smiths, 'How Soon Is Now'
Right, but none of that mattered in terms of Bush administration policy: however sympathetic Bush sounded towards immigrants his administration did nothing to help them (nor did Bush try to corral that 'thought leaders' in his party who were more openly anti-immigrant) and he and his administration still cultivated…
And that's reason enough to support Hilary.
'W seems positively progressive on race compared with Trump'
There's nothing to celebrate about being nuanced if you're still wrong.
The least surprising thing I'll read this year.