the pony rider

i am one confused pony rider
I am aware that there have been about 6,000 threads concerning this issue already, but why, WHY would you not include "No Children" on this list? 'Let me be clear', I am not outraged by its omission, merely flabbergasted. I cannot think of a song more appropriate for this list than that

This is fine and all but
They should really get crackin' on bringing Lisztomania, the superior Russell/Daltry collaboration, to DVD/BluRay.

Silent Night, Deadly Night
When I was younger, the video store in my small Southern town had a copy of "Silent Night, Deadly Night" in the horror section, complete with the porno-sized video box and the graphic cover of Santa's hand lifting the blood covered axe out of the chimney. I was practically drooling over it,

Goddammit, really?

HAH! Listen to that classic Norm McDonald style quip, an acerbic commentary on the quality of a television show written on the internet!

Drag Me to Hell was fantastic. Bruce Campbell has stated his willingness. Remakes/Reboots of franchises begun in the 1980s are selling like hotcakes.

The statement that his classics are the classics rings true to me.

I kind of get the impression that David Brent wasn't nearly as awful before the documentary crew showed up to film. In the first couple of episodes, the employees seem slightly shocked about the way he's behaving.

The Starplex
Is the movie theater I went to through most of my adolescence. I lived in a small town just outside of San Marcos, which is just outside of Austin, so it was the closest movie theater around. There was something especially gratifying to me when I saw "ASS" written up on that marquee in the middle of

When I close my eyes and imagine it, it kind of smells like she's just been licking a dog (not a big one, like a terrier or something) for twelve hours straight.

It's not the first time
The Who sold out


classic God
Good one God. The classic "build up an asshole so he can fall that much harder" trick was a really nice choice for Jeff Dunham and his brand of catchphrase based, racist, lowest common denominator psuedo-humor.

Lutherans don't believe in predestination. The basic core principle of Lutheranism is that faith in God is enough to live a good life. I am positive on this point as my dad is a Lutheran pastor.

Exactly. Freebirds is a burrito mecca compared to Chipotle's burrito town.

Two - The New Guy and House of the Dead.