Simon Wilder

The rapper from Sopranos has everyone this excited? I should check out Fargo

They should just remake Season 1, but switch Woody and MM

Funny, I think it's the best one. What a way to kick off an album.

I really like this one

"Style doesn’t triumph over substance in The Neon Demon. It devours it."

At least this one doesn't revolve around destroying another Death Star right

I'd see this for $200

That song Banquet was everywhere

This list reminded me of a great album, They Threw Us All in a Trench and Stuck a Monument on Top

He did threaten to sue the AV Club a few episodes ago if they mentioned the Best Show in Podmass so that could have had a chilling effect.

Hands down a candidate for one of the best podcast episodes of the year. The singing during that sound collage, incredibly emotional.

They better do it, before George Clooney directs a mediocre take on the subject that opens to respectable box office but is quickly forgotten

I don't know whether Jackson molested any children, but the reasonable doubt in that 2005 trial was so high it isn't even funny.

A Tim Burton X-Men movie back in the 90's would have had me as giddy as a schoolboy.

"but to what end?"

Walter White was that guy that got lucky all the time right

Decker Season 1: Classified
Decker Season 2: Port of Call Hawaii
Decker Season 3: Decker vs. Dracula
Decker Season 4: Unclassified

He's arguably only made one good movie, Men in Black, depending on how you feel about Pursuit of Happiness.

Really? I feel like Will Smith has excelled at making seemingly stale genre pictures more bearable with his charisma. But fresh? I-Robot, I am Legend, Hancock, Hitch, Men in Black 2, Bad Boys 2, Men in Black 3, Shark Tale . . . It seems like all of his movies are generic hits quickly forgotten.

Oh really, were you now?