Simon Wilder

I wish I was old enough to remember how people responded to the casting of devito in returns and schwarzenegger in b&a

Very good answer.

That's fair. I actually didn't know a lot of Batman fans hated Keaton.

"Heath? let's reminisce on the days of A Knight's Tale and Ten Things I Hate About You. Heath? The Joker? Bad casting. Bad joke."

Really honest question. Has there ever been a casting decision that got a lot of people angry that actually went on to continue making a lot of people angry when the movie came out? It always seems like the opposite happens (Keaton, Cruise, Ledger, Craig) but maybe I'm forgetting something.

Really thought that was Tom Hardy at first in the picture

"You have part of my attention. The minimum amount. The rest of my attention is back at the offices of LexCorp, where my colleagues and I are doing things that no one in this room are intellectually or creatively capable of doing."

"You know, you really don't need a forensics team to get to the bottom of this. If you guys were the inventors of LexCorp, you'd have invented LexCorp."

Depends. How fat is she?

Just checked out the trailer, the conceit of the found footage intermixed with their usual literal film references as jokes combines for a strangely nauseous sense of disorientation and unease. freidberg and seltzer may have accidentally stumbled upon the formula for the queasiest presentation of a film of all time

Don't worry about him, he's just one of those guys who doesn't actually have any real opinions of his own and doesn't have a back up plan when someone calls him out on it beyond "suck a dick" and "it sucks"

Meh. I don't really worry about 'wasting' money at the movies. I generally enjoy the atmosphere and experience enough that the threat of a low quality film doesn't have me counting my pennies anxiously. Also, the fact that I don't pay for cable generally allows me a greater flexibility checkbook wise in abusing my

I actually tried to convince her to go see it with me, but she can't stand Effron. I feel like he could be an interesting actor if he's willing to go scummy.

Meh. Care less about the C + or the movie in general than witnessing how these two carry themselves/handle a dud of a script. More intrigued in the evolution of their respective careers than seeing a particularly amazing rom com.

You had me at Miles Teller and Michael B. Jordan

Finally 'walks' to end of country. Flashback, shot of Willis actually jumping into a taxi. Flashback, shot of Willis hopping into a freight train, with some help from a hobo. Flashback, shot of Willis being carried up a mountain in a rickshaw. Cut to present day, a creepy smile on his face. SMASH CUT, credits.

Gets to the end of the country. Goes to grab a bite to eat at a local diner to celebrate. Goes to washroom to freshen up; shot of Willis in mirror reveals he's actually the wife and has been the whole time. SMASH CUT, credits.

Hah I knew you were full of shit

Yeah, a whopping 3 albums at $8 a pop off of Asian Man Records. The cool thing about the Lawrence Arms and the other bands they were in was their albums were so cheap. You could get 4 CDs for the price of two at a regular store and each would come with 15 songs. If you're telling the truth I will know by your answer