
He's probably thinking of Westworld.

One of the many moments in that video where I thought "Oh shit, that's even worse now" was when he mentioned Hank and Marie taking the kids. I mean, it makes sense that he would throw that in anyway since it's something people would wonder about, but it also works as a clear unspoken message to Hank and Marie that

Hey, not to be an asshole or anything, but now that I've seen the movie (which is great) I felt I had to come back to say: this is now officially the dumbest argument I've ever had. What you call "the most interesting thing about this movie" is something that didn't happen. Keechie and Bowie don't ever discuss not

Probably worth mentioning that Bilal didn't write The Hunting Party— it was by Pierre Christin. I read that one in Heavy Metal, which was where I first encountered most of the stuff that blew my mind in the '80s— I was pretty late in finding out about US indie stuff, but I read lots of Euro-comics in the terrible

@craigstephentower:disqus Man, I've really got to read Ronin. I agree about the rest though. When I reread Year One, the story and art were as good as I remembered, but I'd forgotten how much of the narration is in Miller tough-guy-speak, verging on self-parody ("he knows karate— but only karate").

I have no experience with smoking meth, but I encountered a lot of tweakers while working in health care, and I was under the impression that it's a very fast-acting high and that therefore you feel the difference in quality more— i.e. you can only inhale so much at a time and if taking one hit makes you twice as

That makes sense, except that for story purposes you need to have the cops be able to notice "there's some new extra-strength meth on the streets" rather than "there's a whole lot more regular-strength meth on the streets."

On the one hand, the Todd in the story is very clever and has a hyperactive morbid imagination, whereas Meth Damon has no imagination at all and is just bright enough to get by. On the other hand, I think Plemons's Todd is more realistically frightening than Brad Renfro's, and the story would still work if he just

I think as Marie sees it, Hank's job wasn't all that exciting or dangerous until all this mysterious shit started with Walt, and then there were crazy Mexican gangsters everywhere. This right now is the worst thing that ever happened, and Hank getting shot was the previous worst thing that ever happened, so they go

But I think that's the whole gag. Huell is the last person anyone would suspect of having any sleight-of-hand skills, so he's the guy who does it.

@avclub-dbdec92c1a47832b13fc9f11e75ca600:disqus I like that Declan addressed something I've heard some viewers complain about in the setup of the show: does it really matter that much that Walt can make 99% pure meth instead of 80% or 60%? Walt certainly thought it did, but his success may have had just as much to do

I love that almost all the way through that scene, Skyler doesn't say a damn thing. She just keeps looking like she either doesn't dare or can't think what to say yet, and Marie gets basically all the information she wants anyway. It's funny that Skyler later tells Walt that maybe their best option is to "stay quiet,"

@avclub-41e23e24ee2670c4128cd7e5e5ee42ab:disqus It kind of ends up being the same either way, doesn't it? His delusions of Heisengrandeur require him to end on top somehow, if he has to end; if he must get caught, he can't let all the money just get confiscated.

It totally sounds like a lame comeback— like Walt is so insecure that he can't quite take seriously the idea that he could kill a guy, even though he's done it many times, he still just sounds like a Joe Flaherty character being grumpy. And it makes sense that Saul wouldn't react to that but would take it seriously,

@avclub-9d34d8877c2c7cd8e50336887f9360c7:disqus Not tl;dr at all. On a related note, I think: I just read an incredibly irritating piece— which I won't even link to, because I feel dumber just having read it, but it's probably not hard to find if you ever read Tumblr— that starts off talking about whether BB is or

@avclub-89085904f0bffdb18e6df50da71ac0f5:disqus I think Hank would be able to reason through the evidence as you say, if Skyler were a stranger. My totally unscientific impression of how they're playing it is that it's harder for Hank to revise his opinion of Skyler than his opinion of Walt, because he never really

(Editing this down from a wordier response— I do find this interesting, but enough is enough. I did rent They Live by Night, though! Maybe tomorrow I'll even get to watch it.)

@test44444444444444:disqus Wouldn't that be Mr. Felt?

Oh jeez, I got carried away talking about history and failed to notice the most outlandish part of your argument. Now I'm wondering if you were trolling after all.

Sorry to use the word "bait"— I didn't think you were trolling, just that it was potentially a can of worms to be opened.