
@avclub-410987637793620466d1b0732bd7ed6d:disqus The War Game is great, but it's a very different kind of thing— a faux documentary in dry BBC style, where it keeps switching seamlessly between "this is what might happen in a nuclear war" and "this is what's happening now that we are in a nuclear war," with

Man, it's been too long since I read that.

I'm only four years younger than you, but I sure as shit was terrified of nukes as a kid. Saw The Day After a week before my 11th birthday, and to this day I flinch a little every time I'm in a car that stalls, or see things get dramatically brighter because the fucking sun came out from behind a cloud.

This may be nit-picking, but since when do nuclear weapons and/or L.A. appear in Gravity's Rainbow at all?

I'm showing up here 2 months late just to say that the eye-blasted victim in the Biggerson's crying to Castiel "They said you have to stop… you have to stop…" was one of the most disturbing things I've seen on the show. Not just for the gore, but the horror of her being kept alive just to deliver that message, and how

Wow, I missed that one - thanks.

Google "spit-roasting". But not at work.

It's such a great murder mystery parody moment when the florist lays out the whole (apparent) real estate conspiracy plot without having a clue what she's saying; it turns her reflexive niceness into an exposition device, because she keeps saying "God rest him"/"God rest her" so there's no way you can miss how all

Almost, but Angel just says "Officer", so Danny's mistake makes sense in a doofusy way. He's always so eager to learn— I like how after Angel tells him that "traffic collision" is now the preferred term instead of "traffic accident," he makes sure to say "collision" instead of "accident" even when "accident" would

@avclub-f0daecc5534d46a7fc68b3b7735c4192:disqus Oh well, I invited you to surprise me but all you did was help complete this Troll Bingo card. I didn't bother listing "pretending that you can't be an asshole if you're expressing an opinion, and claiming that the other guy is bringing down the discourse, while ignoring

Oh man, I read this too fast at first and was thinking you were talking about Hot Fuzz, and it started bumming me out. Then I realized, wait, there wasn't any nudity in this.

Will people please now mention all the background sight gags that I surely missed? One that I love: the labels on the station's swear jar, where "F_CK", "SH_T", etc. are listed in descending order of price… and then "CUNT" is the lowest price and is spelled out completely. Nicely conveys what seems weirdest about

It's time for Overthinking Comedy Corner!

@avclub-7aee1b75b527e215f31e20a5c4e7a768:disqus I'm not worried about you, I just don't dig some people's need to turn judgments on writing into personal trash talk. I would be just as grossed out if Slurms had been doing his shtick about someone whose writing I don't like.

Just to be that guy: Pauline Kael didn't actually say anything as dumb as that. She said basically that she realized she was pretty out of touch with America because she only knew one Nixon voter.

@avclub-f0daecc5534d46a7fc68b3b7735c4192:disqus Well, I respect your opinion, but that doesn't mean you weren't an asshole for posting it. As you surely intended to be… so your own self-indulgence has served its purpose by getting people to react to it, and probably making Todd's day marginally shittier.

That would've left the audience a bit creeped out at the end, at least the ones who thought about it a little. I like being creeped out, but I acknowledge that that wasn't really the done thing in '80s B-movie endings.

"I want to be President." Why can't we have a straightforward political campaign like that any more?

On my cable listings, it said "Don has a problem. (Drama)" I guess it's true, Don's life would be easier if he would just cut out all the damn drama…