
Book readers, do we ever meet the U.N. Secretary General or is it always treated as more of an office than an actual person in these stories?

JSRF and it's soundtrack had quickly become the anthem to my childhood's basement-dwelling lifestyle back in 2003.

I really want to see the gnomes.

I have to go with Tales from the Borderlands as my favorite this year, even though the season finale's climatic battle was terribly hampered by technical difficulties.

Since when does AV Club post game reviews pre-launch?

What I don't understand is how Burris found Velcoro or how the Mexican cartel found Frank. Did the Armenians sell them out?

"Her line readings in Haywire are often flat and unaffected"
As I see it, Carano's monotone voice meshed pretty well with the methodical and disciplined nature of her character.

I never understood why Haywire was received so poorly by the critics. It's tight, it's compact, and only disengages from reality once at the end of the film. I rate it above the Bourne Trilogy.

"Netflix recently unveiled the Comic-Con trailer for its upcoming show The Man In The High Castle"

I forgot about the John Oliver substitution.

Which Arya scene?

"Publication date : 05/19/2015"

And now watch this movie screw over Mad Max: Fury Road in the box office.

But what about Montage of Heck?

CBS owns half of CW. Warner Bros. owns the other half. Cooperation between the CW and CBS should come easily.

I feel bad for The Legend of Korra. They have snubbed the show every year and now it's too late.

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The sneak preview for next episode pretty much answers the Barristan question.

Hawkeye actually got some decent lines and screen time for Age of Ultron.

Cisco should've asked Laurel to sign the photo, if only to remind me even more of the cons I've been to.