
I have never seen more smugness in an AV Club header image than this one, except for maybe one of Prince Joffrey (Game of Thrones).

This is the last time I sort the comments section by newest.

If this had simply been labeled as an Op-Ed piece (or whatever Gameological's version of that is) I wouldn't have a problem with this article. I actually agree with most of what's being said in regards to Far Cry's unfortunate portrayal of regional cultures. But as a review, this article fails to adequately describe

Brown is definitely not Bolin's color.

TARS made this film bearable.

If a big bad like Ra's Al Ghul or somebody with potential had been on the flight, I would have maybe been able to stomach Waller's scheme.

So do we assume last week's episode of Arrow has already happened in The Flash's timeline?

Felicity and Barry's parting kiss on the train was oh so dear to me.

Community grading is back!

"This season has me wishing for an Avatar/Legend Of Korra
next-gen video game. Imagine how cool it would be to have full bending
control as the Avatar in an open-world action game. And as you level up,
you can choose which advanced bending skills you want to learn."

Blame your service provider before you blame Nick.

Nah, the samples of the instrumental tracks I listened to weren't that impressive.

I'm 22 and bought the CD on Amazon. The soundtrack's magnificence warrants a hard copy. It would have been superb if they sold official Awesome Mix Vol. 1 cassette tapes.

"To start, watching The Legend Of Korra on my dinky laptop screen
instead of a big TV where it would be presented in high definition with
an easy-to-use interface is a big pain in the ass, especially because I
like things like being able to move to whatever part of the episode you
want without the stream jumping to

Will they be doing all three films in one play or just Part 1?

Jesus, Iron Heights needs some serious restaffing. How about they hire a guard who doesn't walk into a cell alone and turn his back on a vicious killer?

So what happened to the community grade?

They removed community grading. Why?

The HBO CEO of Tits better make an appearance in this comments section.

The second half of this episode was some of the greatest television I've ever seen.