
I drove past a garage sale this morning. Even though it's the season for it in the southern hemisphere, they do seem to be rarer.

Maddie is amazing in this episode. There was that one, "Lose the fro", and her delivery of "Are you guys getting divorced?" was great.

Maddie is amazing in this episode. There was that one, "Lose the fro", and her delivery of "Are you guys getting divorced?" was great.

Breakfast food serves many purposes - truer words have never been spoken by Ron Swanson.

Breakfast food serves many purposes - truer words have never been spoken by Ron Swanson.

I agree. I really liked where they went with the character in season 3, but it feels as if he's way too dim now.

I agree. I really liked where they went with the character in season 3, but it feels as if he's way too dim now.

It makes me want to know what all her brochure titles are.

It makes me want to know what all her brochure titles are.

There was a while there that NCIS was also on every day on Ten. Probably after the post-Olympics flop. Or every single summer.

There was a while there that NCIS was also on every day on Ten. Probably after the post-Olympics flop. Or every single summer.

I have heard that Anika Noni Rose is returning, so there's always hope. But I have no idea where I read that so it's equally possible that I'm wrong.

I have heard that Anika Noni Rose is returning, so there's always hope. But I have no idea where I read that so it's equally possible that I'm wrong.

Preferential voting is the best system. Number the candidates in order of preference, it's pretty easy, and helps to separate candidates when the results are really close (though I realise that it doesn't really matter when there are only two candidates).

Preferential voting is the best system. Number the candidates in order of preference, it's pretty easy, and helps to separate candidates when the results are really close (though I realise that it doesn't really matter when there are only two candidates).

Makes perfect sense. Modern Family is a good show, but I've seen every episode about 5 times. Soon all or most of our networks will be in the same state as Channel 9 because of piracy issues. 10 talk about fast tracking, but we're still getting things 2 weeks later after it airs in the States. If New Zealand can

Makes perfect sense. Modern Family is a good show, but I've seen every episode about 5 times. Soon all or most of our networks will be in the same state as Channel 9 because of piracy issues. 10 talk about fast tracking, but we're still getting things 2 weeks later after it airs in the States. If New Zealand can

Me too. At least Fox gave it a chance, it was cancelled after 3 (possibly 2, I'm not sure) episodes here in Australia. NBC's schedule shifting has nothing on Channel 10.

Me too. At least Fox gave it a chance, it was cancelled after 3 (possibly 2, I'm not sure) episodes here in Australia. NBC's schedule shifting has nothing on Channel 10.

My favourite part about the Eli/Peter/blogger storyline was writing the number on the intern's back. That would have been funny enough, but I love that he wrote it on a t-shirt and made the intern take it off.