
In the replay of the ceremony in Australia (there was a live broadcast at 5:30 am and our replay started in the early afternoon) "Land Down Under" features in every single ad break.

I haven't read the book, my mum lent it to someone and never got it back. I think the only reason that the premise works so well however is because all the characters are such assholes that they would let something like this cause so much friction. But yeah, that kid was a brat.

My favourite Aussie drama is still SeaChange. And the only reason I like the voice-over in The Slap is because it's William McInnis. And my parents are watching The Straits right now, but it hasn't really pulled me in. And even though it's not the best, I think it's really good that the ABC is programming some

The actual boobs, not the monkey

Maybe the answer to all of this is Annie's Boobs.

I don't watch this show anymore, partly because I couldn't be bothered with the effort, I was only really in it for the music, partly because I discovered Community and also because it clashes with my favourite music quiz show. But if Eli Gold was a character in the show, I would DEFINITELY keep watching (this pretty

I think heartbreak is one of the things the writers do best on the show: this was nearly as sad as the end of season one. They lift up your hopes and then crush them. Stella leaving Ted at the alter doesn't count, because we already knew she wasn't the mother.

And 3000 votes on the TV Guide poll, which has sadly closed.

I agree completely with all of this. I understand why they needed to change Chang's role, since the group decided not to take Spanish in season 2, but he was definitely best in the first season.

Mixology and Cooperative Calligraphy were great. I did like Abed's Christmas, but Conspiracy Theories does absolutely nothing for me, I have no idea why and I feel like the only Community fan who doesn't love it. I liked it better the second time I watched it, but mainly for the B Plot.

I can only hope it's like the episodes in Scrubs from other characters' perspectives. They were some of the best episodes.

I was disappointed with this episode and agree with most of what you said, although I'm fairly sure Abed wasn't looking at Britta's hands, since her boobs were shown off quite well in this episode. I also really enjoyed the model UN part - a thing I have no idea if we do or not in Australia (I really wish there was

I really wonder what is wrong with the world when Two and a Half Men has one viewer, let alone more than the entire population of Australia.

I agree, I haven't been thrilled with these two episodes. I'm not for letting go yet, because I know it can be better.

Yeah, the first episode wasn't that great, but Spanish 101 was amazing. And the cherry on top of the icing on the delicious cake that is Community was the Troy and Abed rap.

This is why I think that Abed wasn't looking at Britta's hand gestures, but rather the other parts of her body that were moving a lot in this scene ;)

I agree with number 4 a lot. And I've never seen Martin Starr in anything else, but he was so good that I want to.

It's not necessarily shipping, but Jeff/Annie is the most popular ship in the fandom. And while I'll admit the actors have great chemistry, the whole thing between the two characters doesn't work with me. I understand the storyline, just the way it's being done makes it seem like the writers are doing it BECAUSE it's