
classic. the wireless at the kfc on the m4 must be shut off, otherwise grey man would know he's supposed to revile scott brown now. try and keep up, limey dipshit.

well done, grey man. president obama is a "minstrel for the Chicago mob" and the first daughters are monkeys. way to rep yourself, fucknut.

botthurt: early 20th century German film pioneer? famed WWI aviator? what do the rest of you fine AV club commentators think?

you're suspended six months for taking lawrence durrell's name in vain.

this coming from an authority on 47 year old slobs drinking themselves to death in the living room of thier mother's mobile home. pedantic fucking dicksuck that you are, i'd have thought you, kerouac and william f. buckley would have had a grand old time.

make sure to get back to us with an answer, pikey dumbfuck.

lol u mad etc.

identification fail. tighten your game up.

nobody knows what you're talking about. or why, for that matter.

as for ms. thang up there, she already knows what the deal is. ailmh, i've got a ball gag and some nine-volt batteries with YOUR name on 'em, sweetheart, come fuck with me.

my dick is as long as the internet, and it's headed straight for your fucking tonsils, son.

lifefail. go take a fucking walk for yourself, canuck.

you're wandering, grandpa. we're gonna have to start pinning notes to your sweaters. you were enlightening us with your laserlike insights into the art and science of bob dylan. struggle back, jeeves.

grandpa, you're mumbling again. i know you're tired and cranky, but make the effort.

on topic, grandpa.

i know dylan never really wrote about beans and toast or top gear or fucking sheep or toothless women in caravan compounds, but c'mon, you can't make everybody happy.

killer, the wireless at the dole office is back up. you're gonna want to stay on topic, jeeves, you're wasting precious seconds.

kristofferson's ghost is in full support of this frank exchange of ideas.

and waits…
