
Hey guys, I watched Vampire's Kiss for the first time last night. I feel better than I have all week. Life now exists as B.V.K. and A.V.K. I recommend it to the entire nation.

This review makes me want to get back in the habit of reading him regularly again, but then of course, there are comments like this: "But can the Marvel kids appreciate the seriousness of the issues that concern Villeneuve?" Your job is not to review the audience, Armond.

Wow, I'd never noticed before that Winger and Goldblum have the same first name. I mean, I must have, but I was never fully conscious of it until now.

AV Club profile login for commenting appears to be back. Thanks, Obama!

Did anyone get Tuesday's episode on Monday? Looks like it's completely pre-empted by election coverage in New York, and I'll have to find alternative means to watch the 11/7 match.

I saw The Handmaiden on Thursday at … the Alamo Drafthouse in Brooklyn! I ordered a banana split shake. I highly recommend every part of the experience.

I like most, or all, of it. One of the greatest, though? It's pretty good. Definitely my favorite PTA.

One word: harpsichord.

Mr. Shaw would like a word with you.

My guesses for $400 and $1600:
Smash and The West Wing

Don't forget Ariana Grande!

That may very well be, and that would be a decent enough explanation, so if that is the case, I'm wondering why it wasn't more obvious. That's a weird thing to be subtle about - maybe it was supposed to be clear and I just missed it.

Yeah, I guess they did navigate them just fine, so my claim that the characters don't know how it all works isn't exactly right. I guess what I was trying to say is that they didn't understand it in a way in which they could explain it to people who can't figure it out. Or they just didn't care to. Or something like

I agree with you about the effects' lack of tactility and realness, but would argue that that's the point. It's not supposed to be clear how they function, for the audience or the characters. That lack of comprehension is what drives the fun.

I plead that they move next week's episode up to the Fif!

"Tortured" pun, you say? You sound just like Troy when he found out Rowsdower killed his dad! I say, "Larry Csonka and the Chocolate Factory" is the J! writers' crowning wordplay achievement!

I saw it in 3D, and I strongly disagree with those reviews. I can understand why it's getting that praise, considering how great the visuals are, but I would argue that the 3D does nothing to bolster those visuals. Nothing is popping out, nor is it designed to! The "added depth" of 3D is almost always a myth!

He and Cumberbatch do have a pretty memorable verbal
tête-à-tête about halfway through.

But Hugo is better than both of those guys.

Ooh, I 'member! That was the movie that convinced me she needed to host SNL.