Rowsdower, you say? Well, then I will make my list MST3K-exclusive!
Keeping Up with the Joneses has promise, what with Greg Mottola directing.
Good in some ways, not great (but not horrible) in others. Turturro's closing statement was killer. I agree with other reactions that said the show never figured out what it wanted to be (or, it knew what it wanted to be, but didn't do a very good job telling us).
Hey guys, it's time to start planning our fall TV schedules. With that in mind, do you think I picked the right new shows to be most excited about?
1. Don’t Breathe
2. Nerve
3. Florence Foster Jenkins
4. Indignation
5. Mothra
6. Café Society
It better be Flavio Martínez Labiano.
My Top Cinematic Choices for September 2016
1. Blair Witch (9/16)
2. Masterminds (9/30)
3. Sully (9/9)
4. Snowden (9/16)
5. The Magnificent Seven (9/23)
6. Morgan (9/2)
7. Beauty and the Beast (9/23)
1. Natalie (We guessed "Carmen.")
2. Princess Fiona (We got this. The original question's answer is The Mask, which we wrote down right before it was shouted.)
3. In Her Shoes (We got this.)
4. Knight and Day and Vanilla Sky (We got this. She also appears - uncredited - in Minority Report, so that…
We took a friends-of-friends-of-friends approach in assembling the “abstinence,
confessions, and laserdiscs” roster tonight, and while the freshmen may have you believe they offered no help, everyone in fact made key contributions. Unfortunately the night was also defined by narrow misses…
Women do be shoppin'
Your co-workers. They want to get to know you!
I'll discuss the last 2 weekends, as I was busy during last week's thread.
I say watch all of Nightmare. Even the lesser ones have great scenes, and when it gets bad, it gets fascinatingly bad.
Run through Evil Dead quick, then do Nightmare, but spaced out, and then Halloween if you've still have time.
Spaceballs, of course
1. 12 Monkeys (I got this.)
2. Meet Joe Black and Legends of the Fall (I got Joe but guessed Seven Years in Tibet.)
3. Plan B Entertainment (I thought I heard "Brian Grazer" instead of Brad Grey, so I guessed Imagine Entertainment.)
4. Rusty (I had no idea. I think I guessed "Harry.")
"I've gotta stop hanging out with her. She sounds like a chicken finger."
It looks my top 2 are both on this list.
My teammates were differently occupied, but I nevertheless had a superb first round, making me think, “Hey, maybe I have a chance to win this on my own.” It even felt like a sign when there was a Cool Runnings question just a few days after I listened to the Black Men Can’t Jump in Hollywood episode