

The first time I re-watched full seasons:
-I liked S1 a lot more
-I liked S2 about the same (though my overall love for it deepened)
-I liked parts of S3 more and became more critical of other parts, while overall liking it slightly more.
My season rankings remained 2>3>1, but 1 got closer.

Damn, I don't remember. It might have been "Cooperative Calligraphy" several months ago. It was still one of the best.

"Black lives bladder." Finally!

Movies cost €15 when Book of Shadows came out? Now I understand Brexit.

That sounds terrible, except for Wingard and Simon Barrett's involvement. So therefore it sounds awesome!

She looks like Nancy from Stranger Things.

Also, if you're into karaoke, there's plenty of options. I'm most familiar with the East Village's Planet Rose, which has swanky decor, and SoHo's Baby Grand, which is tiny (and potentially loud) and therefore delightfully intimate.

I like to see movies a lot. Sure, you can see movies anywhere, but New York has a lot of theaters, including plenty of cool independent ones, like the Landmark Sunshine, the Angelika, Film Forum, the IFC Center, and the Metrograph.

Hey! … I'll be there in a couple of weeks.

I think it starts in 5 and a half hours Stateside. Not sure if Netflix originals sync up internationally, though.

Mispronunciations are penalized only if they would change the spelling of the word, and the way Pranjal pronounced it was how it looks. What was unusual about this case was that the clue discussed its potential for mispronunciation. But since it didn't specifically ask for the correct pronunciation, I'd have to say

I finished watching Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Season 2 today. "Kimmy Meets a Drunk Lady!" was the best episode.


Where's their song from The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie?

Crossing case
by Seinfeld Current Day

by Jeffrey Malone

1. War Horse (I got this.)
2. The Imitation Game and Atonement (I got Imitation but guessed Starter for 10 for the other.)
3. Black Mass (I got this.)
4. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (I guessed Star Trek Into Darkness.)

Hey! … Correct.

There were twenty-some more points available than usual, as the picture round (directors acting in movies directed by somebody else) had us guessing both one movie and one person per question, and the audio round was replaced by everyone’s favorite: Movie Flash! (identify movies by a rapid