
Shocked, shocked to learn the pope says evolution is real… even after reading an article about how genetics was discovered by a monk 200 years ago.

Should have mashed up Stay with Me and I Won't Back Down. Melodies are already the same.

It's the horror that happens when you mix This American Life fans with websleuths. This abomination should not be.

He certainly is charming!

Too many boring MMO-ish fetch quests, yes.

Err, no. The greatest music, painting and architecture are made by religious folks for the last couple millennia. Movies, not so much.

Probably because Yom Kippur and Rosh Hoshannna are a hell of the lot more important than Hanukkah, which is mostly only elevated by Americans to compete with Christmas.

Your needs more needs more needs more.

And better food. And fewer chavs. Oh I could go on

Probably just another lie.

Superglue's a hell of a drug.

Have the Rolling Stones killed.

Their brains must have lied to them about condensation, too.

Would say with some confidence that Mehmed wasn't a good guy.

It was Molly Shannon. I would have preferred him to puke down her throat.

Bu-bu-but she said the n-word once in her life! Execution!

Er, no. The rural south anywhere outside of Appalachia has a good percentage of black people living there. I don't know why people think its purely white outside of the major cities, since it rather erases those people's existence from any talk about race in the South. There are demographic maps that clearly

What a wacky lil' subthread. As is there is no racism, or even very little racism, in NYC (!), Baltimore (!!), Chicago (!!!!!), etc, or in rural areas in the North.

I thought most of the South was a mishmash of krauts, micks, limeys, African Americans, and Native Americans.

I think she can just smear her hand on something and it's buttered.