Leterrier is apparently an "auteur" now. I like the idea of the guy who directed the blandest movie of a bland series being known for his authorial vision.
Leterrier is apparently an "auteur" now. I like the idea of the guy who directed the blandest movie of a bland series being known for his authorial vision.
Identity = best Bourne. It's not even a close contest, IMO.
I really liked Monsters, but I've been hugely disappointed in Edwards' blockbuster work. Rogue One had the same flavorless-character problem as Godzilla.
The A. V. Club
You mispelled "Rogue One."
Blended was pretty good, actually! His pairings with Drew Barrymore tend to bring out the best in him, I think.
He's a pretty good actor, too. He was one of the best things about Trainwreck.
Check out Santa Clarita Diet on Netflix! Same creator. It's not Ted, but it's a fun show.
He was also good on Undeclared, an early Judd Apatow show. He has solid comedic timing.
You act like those two sentences are contradictory but they're not. Some bands actually (gasp!) like writing catchy choruses.
I disagree that following said formula constitutes selling out, or whatever exactly the accusation is. That formula has been used by indie and mainstream musicians alike for decades.
Or the real life from "Life Is A Highway."
*two, tops
FBI director was a 10 year appointment.
I'm not familiar with Clean Channel, but most of my local rock stations still consistently play anything that was popular in the '90s or early 2000s. I'm the last person I know without satellite radio or a bluetooth connection, so when I'm driving I'm stuck with the hits. I've actually turned more to pop radio…
You realize every song on every radio station has that structure, right?
They still get pretty consistent radio play on mainstream alternative stations, though probably more from old material than new. Their new single—which is incidentally pretty good—is actually having some crossover success with pop stations.
I actually really like their new single referred to in the article.
Have to second you on that. Rises gets a bad rap. It's definitely my favorite of the trilogy, and, as you alluded to, probably the most emotionally involving of the three.
I liked Oblivion! There are tens of us!