
Glad you're still with us!

Ha, careful saying that around here. But yeah, it was a sporadically compelling show with handsome production values and a lot of unrealized potential. The dialogue and some of the acting was often quite clunky, the plot was meandering, and it was often unintentionally campy (the writers seem to expect you to be

She's always been fantastic. She was great in the Australian film "Flirting," and she couldn't have been more than 16 or 17 at the time.

It honestly seems like in the right's eyes, white guy = lone wolf, brown guy = terrorist. Hence Trump not even formally acknowledging the attack on the mosque in Quebec City. White guy murdering muslims is too inconvenient for his narrative.

Nope, that was mental instability. Which is apparently incompatible with being a terrorist.

They also want less government interference but have no problem regulating women's bodies. Hypocrisy is practically their middle name.

Actors tend to nibble on any kind of food, unless the scene calls for a character to give a speech while chewing. It's because they tend to do multiple takes, which could actually cause the actors to get sick if they ate for each one.

I would say it's the state attorneys general and the judiciary leading the fight, with the National Park Service being the Robin to their collective Batman.

Check out this cover if you get a chance. IMO better than the original.

Punk Rock Princess is a legitimately great power pop song. Much of the album is generic sensitive emo kid fodder, but there's a few songs on there that still hold up.

Yeah, having a bombastic score for a superhero film really shouldn't be seen as a negative, IMO, at least not as a general rule. I would wager that many of the MCU films could've benefitted from having bolder music - for all the knocks on Zimmer's soundtracks being mostly tone and loud horns, his melodies, few that

Warning: If your heartrate dips below 50 BPM it may explode.

It's admittedly been a while since I've watched either one of them, but I remember Under Siege 2 being more efficient in terms of getting to the action and slightly leaner in general. (I also prefer stories set on trains.)

Those people are wrong and should be shunned.

That…seems ill-advised.

I still love that Roger Ebert is the only critic to give the sequel a good review, and he pretty much admits that it's entirely due to goodwill he felt toward the first one.

Under Siege 2 is probably slightly better than the first one. They're both pretty good action movies.

I don't agree with much of the criticism of Zimmer; I thought his recent work on The Dark Knight Rises, and even more so on Interstellar, was pretty great (I actually liked his Man of Steel score, as well). I definitely get and agree with the criticisms of modern blockbuster scores - I miss James Horner, though I

It's their one redeeming quality. "Shit just got real." Terrible in Bad Boys, genius in Hot Fuzz.

Speaking of The Rock, that and Speed have my two favorite action film scores of all time. Speed's is instantly memorable as it plays out almost in full over the opening credits. The Rock's is just so frigging cool, too. When I was younger it was my favorite movie of all time, and the score was a huge part of that.