JC Suresh

I'll watch pretty much anything with Imran Khan in it.

I feel like that viewpoint leads to cheap fan-service. Like, say, a fan of Community might say "The cast dressed in Inspector Spacetime costumes at an Inspector Spacetime convention?! Instant A!" See how that turned out….

The AV Club
You're not as important as you think you are, and by and large that's probably a good thing.

Maybe it's obnoxious wankery, but you're on the AV Club, and you get what you pay for. No one forces you to listen to it.

This is my problem with the Gawker piece. When I listen to Serial, my mind does turn to these questions that Duffy brings up—and I think that's probably part of Koenig's intention. So to say "Serial gets this wrong, because Serial isn't really about this" is to say that my own reaction is the "correct" one but not the

That's so not true, @avclub-26e0639dcc946d94c1cd6b35e610af55:disqus. There are millions of people who are outraged by the actions of Tyson, Cosby, Rice, Ghomeshi, Woody Allen, the list goes on. Million of people—including straight men—who would not give a high-five to abusers of women.

Wow… obscure joke on a joke. Nice job.

I think it would have been really detrimental to the show if there had been any acknowledgement of prize money. "I know I can be the One True Hero… and I need that fifty grand."

Yeah, that was a waste. It kind of set up a bad editing choice—once the show decided it would show all of the vows, it was kind of committed to showing all of them. I even thought the ones who wrote RPDR-themed vows were reaching too far.

So bisexuals are at last convinced that Dan Savage believes bisexuals exist? Congratulations.

Fair enough, but there's a logical fallacy that equates "All brony-porn is written by bronies" (rather tautological) with "All bronies write brony-porn."

So I'm trying not to make this profoundly weird or start this comment with "Um…" but when you say that all of the MLP:FIM porn out there is made by and for bronies, are you suggesting that you wish there were more made for the actual target audience—erotica written by and for little girls?

Panjabi MC, "Mundian Toh Bach Ke."


I do have a fondness for "It Would Take a Strong, Strong Man."

ABBA, "Knowing Me, Knowing You."

Erik Adams sums up my feelings about Steve Martin, someone I greatly admire, more than one whose work I love in itself. He's one of my "patron saints"—the pictures I have on my altar at home are Steve Martin, Emmylou Harris, RuPaul, Ira Glass, Michael Ian Black, and Rani Mukerji. I'd cry for any of them, though some

It was the Savage Love Letter of the Day on Slog a few days ago. Sometimes he reuses SLLOTDs for the column.

I think the mystery was my biggest problem with the episode. Not that it has to follow standard procedural procedure, but in this episode, I never once felt that I was looking for clues with Sherlock Holmes. The mystery was not "Who murdered the woman in pink?" but "What's going to happen?" and then the extended

It makes me feel ashamed that the ending line of this newswire suggests that an addict would be on level 295…. and not 451.