JC Suresh

I think "partner" has replaced boyfriend/girlfriend for serious gay relationships. And we have ways to make the sentence telegraph the short-term nature of the relationships. Like, "We had a party, and Joshua brought his new boyfriend" or if we're feeling catty "Joshua brought his little boyfriend." Or "Joshua brought

Perhaps it's not "going through the motions" if they don't tell Nev and Max the secret—let them use their Shazam and metadata to figure out the mystery that the producers knew from the beginning.

So what you seem to be saying is that these people you thought you knew, but only knew online (the AV Club writers) have turned out to be something other than what you expected them to be (people who enjoy reality TV rather than scorning it) and you feel kind of betrayed by this discovery.

And the Lannister siblings don't post to incest-fetish websites to find men who are turned on by it, then have them get on the phone to listen to Lannister-on-Lannister blowjobs.

It's a little like Dan's answer to MUD above: why should MUD give his mother veto power over his relationship? Why should you give your too-hip-to-be-hipster friends veto power because they might think your girlfriend is a hipster?

I'm pretty sure they film enough of the critiques that the editors can choose what to include to build suspense. If they hadn't said anything good about Kathy, it would be way too obvious.

There's kind of a delicate line there that we privileged people have to consider. If the undertone of the statement is "I am turning down this bargain so that someone who needs this bargain can have it," then it's kind; if it's "I am not shopping at thrift shops because I don't want to look like one of Those People

@avclub-bca3531762af8a993c4f60c48fd5e33b:disqus : "Like" isn't strong enough for that comment. I'm going to write erotic friend fiction about that comment.

Now I'm feeling inadequate that no one I know has written Erotic Friend Fiction about me.

Yeah, and he too thought he was being subtle about it. Maybe to the rest of the world, "subtle" is a relative concept.

"My Boyfriend is dominant and I’m submissive. That much you got right. But we keep things very subtle in public."

But I still don't think that's what the list is about. If it were "undemanded sequels" then I don't think these movies would exist; these movies exist because audiences have demand for them, that enough people who saw The Hangover or Home Alone said, "I would definitely see another film with those actors playing those

Based on the list, I think it doesn't count, because it's not "bad" movie sequels, but "unnatural" movie sequels. This seems to mean that the movie was self-contained, and no one would really expect a sequel. Everyone knew that the Star Wars prequels were going to be a trilogy, and Phantom Menace ended with events set

I know you had your heart set on the Fässt, but let's check out the countertop on this Fjurrjus.

"The time has come for you to lip-synch for your life."

I'd think that's likely. Things on the show are exaggerated for laughs, of course, but it's playing on exaggeration, not unfounded assumptions or broad stereotypes.  (We might chalk up the Indian jokes they've avoided: nothing about convenience stores, nothing about how spicy food gives you Delhi belly, nothing about

I have not yet had the chance to watch Dabangg 2, but the first one was simply ridiculous. But endlessly entertaining. I hope Uncle Shishir got to be in "Fevicol Se."

I thought that too, about the specific expectations. If they made a WoW movie, current players might be drawn to it, but then current players would probably rip it apart if they didn't think it accurately captured some aspect of the game. And word would spread fast among WoW players, and it would be next up on My

I think it's got brand-name recognition, and they keep releasing computer games based on the brand, so it hasn't completely lapsed. But perhaps retro is what it's going for. The target audience for the film probably isn't the shrinking number of people playing it at their card tables, but the kind of people who would