
I saw that tour too, Keith — in Philadelphia, back when we were young enough to need my friend's dad to drive us.

Do you don't not dislike not Strong Bad?

You don't sound like an ass, dude; there's no need to be defensive.

vis-a-vis Radiohead
So basically, you sort of liked their lousy early stuff, then got turned off when they made a truly great album, then kind of came around for their post-masterpiece misfire, then felt ambivalent about their stronger later albums, but recently found yourself admiring the effective but uneven "In

You can ask Him when He's done punishing me for doing Chauncey's mama.

Funny, isn't that what Rodney Dangerfield's prof told him in Back to School?

If Vonnegut were alive today, he'd take that back.

Can the devil fool a Muslim nowadays?

Rewrite the script for Egypt — who made the Holy Bible,
Or Koran? How long ago? Who made the holy title
Of -I-, -S-elf, -L-ord, -A-nd -M-aster? Who controls the vital
Parts of your heart? Who wrote the wise recitals?
-R-uler -Z-ig-Zag-Zig -A-llah — -A-rm, -L-eg, -L-eg, -A-rm, -H-ead, still puzzled like the jigsaw.

Arm to the Leg, Leg, Arm to the Head, yo!
Be the RZArector, resurrect the mental dead!

It's not that incongruous if you think of the Clan's cultural matrix — Marvel comics, chess, genre movies — and their geographical origins, which include not only Staten Island but also Brooklyn. The hipster connection makes perfect sense, really.

the ironing is delicious

enchanted wizard: how DARE you?

The problem is that so much of his work is damned juvenile, and plus once he was able to afford tight groups of first-rate musicians, or, worse, to write lots of music for the synclavier, it's not worth it.

Well now, a film doesn't have to be new — it's the _canon_ that's new. Old films can gain new followings, capiche?

This feature
I like "Random Rules" a great deal — but what about extending it to interview subjects rather than just musicians. Wouldn't we all love to know what's on Harmony Korrine's ipod, or Alex Cox or Naomi Watts or the Reno 911 guys?

I'll take this opportunity to say that the Dead Kennedys really solved the problem, in my opinion, of how to avoid fatuous sloganeering in political rock (which see the Phranc thread above, among others). Jello can be a bit of a blowhard when doing spoken word, it's true, but the DKs found ways to make the political

Cross-reference time! (Plus, any chance to piggyback on the divine lexicondevil…)

Oh, so not the one that sucks then, but rather the one that REALLY sucks.

The Master: "Say Hecubus, have you seen "Presumed Innocent" yet?"
Hecubus: "Yes Master, his wife did it."