
It can be two things. In other words: Yeah, comic book creators love to bring back old obscure concepts because they liked them when they were young and they want to have their crack at writing them. But it's also true that the big 2 deliberately periodically resurrect old stuff for copyright and trademark reasons.

Anime was doing it pretty regularly by the early 80s if that counts

He's talking about Sobek from the actual "52" weekly series that followed Infinite Crisis

How great was Detective Chimp in Day of Vengeance/Shadowpact? I wish they'd bring him back in something.

To be fair, Hardwck has toned the "sportsball attitude" way down lately. Nowadays his attitude is much more "it's not my thing and never will be but I get why it means something to a lot of people" which is a reasonable position

Here's the other thing upon rewatching: Jon clearly doesn't WANT to be "King in the North" Give Kit Harrington some credit for a good acting job. Jon is fucking horrified by the prospect. Sansa is all in. She wants thos.

And Im just happy that somehow, I live in a world where the phrase "Long live the Queef" is a thing that was said.

Um, no. Dark hair is generally a dominant trait as opposed to blond hair which is more or less recessive. The whole reason Ned started to catch on to incestyville, is that Roberts kids should be dark haired. One kid fair haired? Ok, got a weird result on the genetic dice. But all 3 toeheads? Something fishy is

It's definitely gonna be Jamie who kills Cersie in the end.

And, of course,Targaryans have a history of polygamy. So playing by their own rules R could be married to both Ellia Martell and Lyanna Stark.

Fuck. Can this just not happen? At all? Please?

Yes, yes. The timing in this series makes no sense. We all know that. Just let it go and enjoy. "If you are wondering how he eats and breaths and other science facts….."

Considering this was basically cementing the Benjen = Coldhands theory, it's safe to say the horse was undead too.

That's kiinda the point though . If this episode had a unifying theme it is that we are seeing a society, nay an entire world, at the point of total social collapse.

Well, yeah. Cause that's what the church does.

Yeah these kind of things sometime backfire (in a good way) as one always has a small but not insignificant chance of stumbling on to a surprise tasty unlikely combination of disparate flavors.

Jesus, I can't believe I never got that till now. Rickons story really IS a shaggy dog story. HAH. Damn!

Theoretically, if we assume the upshot of this battle will be some form of Stark restoration in the north (Perhaps even a Queen in the North type of situation cause really, the Lannisters are in no shape to contest it at this point), then there will be plenty of territor up for divvying out. The Bolton lands at the

I don't think it's so much that Jon did what he did. Its an understandable emotional reaction. Its just that Sansa called it and basically told Jon exactly what to expect and he still fucked it up. Its basically pure luck that he got away with it

Hope all you like but you are going to be disappointed. It's pretty clear that Dorne is meant to be the staging point in Westeros for the Targaryan revival.