Chris in the Morning

Don't get off the boat.

I'd like to think, that a summer student at the Tourism Board did all this on their own.  

Just wait until Harrison Ford gets that Ice Plant running…

Canadian.  No need to explain the cat piss.

"The writing, the acting, the direction…  inspired.  Did they make it to Belize?  No.   But they got close, maybe Veracruz. - Rufus J. Angry (Rent-A-Review)"

I'm not familiar with this…

Stallone or Dwayne Johnson…

Just stay away from the GMOed, "Round-UP Ready" cocks.  Stick with organic. 

She still has teeth…

And they make Dane Cook clean the pool?

Where's Michael Scott when you need him?

Much love for Tiger Lily!!!

I went moose hunting the other day…

I made a vodka ad…

One day my friend, Eggs Benedict…

Went to see this first run.  The movie theatre in my bible-belt Fraser Valley, British Columbia town offered me my money back… GOING IN. Very confused young Mennonite girl on the cash register, just doing her job.  They were getting nothing but complaints.  I insisted on paying an extra dollar when we came out…

I can type about 20 to 30 words a minute… some of them amusing.

That's what she said…


He is confused by the modern world, he spent all yesterday looking at this very site wondering "where is club?"
But there is one thing he does know -
this show will probably suck.