Chris in the Morning

Athens, Georgia.  Apparently Uncle Joe was quite the influence on a young Michael Stipe.

Fey = Stalin.  Well, they are both from Georgia.

Franco is just a little guy.  Wouldn't be a stretch for Kevin James…

When you hit Go to Jail, are you chemically castrated as well?

"Even when the wry, blasphemous “The Season’s Upon Us” leans a little too heavily on The Pogues’ “Fairytale Of New York,” it’s hard to fault the sentiment.'

Don't you wonder sometimes, about Renaton?


No.  No, I could not.

I got him a coin-counter that sings "Changes" while in action.  He loves that kind of stuff.

Well, they got into it at the sermon on the mount.  Merk said something about Mary, and Jesus just lost it…

Yah, last night she said you would be like that…

I do not believe that your example is a "case in point".  That's Jimmy Carr and he is THE MAN, in an effeminate, Brit kind of way.

They can do anything they want…
They're carTOON characters!

Saudi Aurora…

Luke is okay, but avoid that John guy…

Well Done!

Jay Z.

I'm sure Max is behind most of her problems…

Yah, right.  Back to Terrence ya bumboy.

Yah, right.  Back to Terrence ya bumboy.