Chris in the Morning

Sean O'Neal, you are a genius…

Sean O'Neal, you are a genius…

Nice!  Reminds me of that line from Newhart…
"You know how persuasive Darryl can be."

Nice!  Reminds me of that line from Newhart…
"You know how persuasive Darryl can be."

Oh, and remember when the Millenium Falcon breaks down in a bad neighbourhood and Han is all worried, but Lando shows up with a intergalactic towtruck and saves his ass from some gangster types?

Oh, and remember when the Millenium Falcon breaks down in a bad neighbourhood and Han is all worried, but Lando shows up with a intergalactic towtruck and saves his ass from some gangster types?

Elderberry.  I'm mean yuck, Old folks!

Elderberry.  I'm mean yuck, Old folks!

Kasdan saved the original trilogy.  Remember the scene where Han is pacing on the balcony on a hot a steamy night?  Leia has locked the glass door, but is fetching in her slave outfit.  Han picks up a patio chair and throws it through the glass and sodomizes her.  He asks if he is hurting her, but she tells him not to

Kasdan saved the original trilogy.  Remember the scene where Han is pacing on the balcony on a hot a steamy night?  Leia has locked the glass door, but is fetching in her slave outfit.  Han picks up a patio chair and throws it through the glass and sodomizes her.  He asks if he is hurting her, but she tells him not to

I Shot First: A Solo Diary

I Shot First: A Solo Diary

Rourke beautiful?  Even back in Diner, I would never have thought "beautiful".

Rourke beautiful?  Even back in Diner, I would never have thought "beautiful".

Insouciance… Thankyou Jesus!  Le Mot Juste!

Insouciance… Thankyou Jesus!  Le Mot Juste!

Is McDowell weird enought for Naw-lins?  Hell Yes!

Is McDowell weird enought for Naw-lins?  Hell Yes!

Somebody should have warned him that It won't be easy, you'll think it strange.

Somebody should have warned him that It won't be easy, you'll think it strange.