Chris in the Morning

Personally, I think you're mistaking simple for shallow.  The older I get, the more I realize, simple is really fucking hard.

Be pompous, obese and eat cactus.

they so delicious cause they taste like people.

they so delicious cause they taste like people.

I applaude your father for coming out, but Limbaugh?  He likes the fattys, huh.

I applaude your father for coming out, but Limbaugh?  He likes the fattys, huh.

Paraphrased from the wonderful 3CP1 episode of SCTV.  Dave Thomas in a slavic wig ranting about how big Russian is.

Paraphrased from the wonderful 3CP1 episode of SCTV.  Dave Thomas in a slavic wig ranting about how big Russian is.

But now we won't get to see him and Beckett finally…

But now we won't get to see him and Beckett finally…

Going for a grandslam now, Al?  Oh, what happened there?

Going for a grandslam now, Al?  Oh, what happened there?

Warwick is the man.

Warwick is the man.

Agreed…  Understand the historical significance of Daleks and even the Cybermen, but Davies really hit on something with those Angels.  Maybe that kind of "they'll get you eventually" zombie vibe.

Agreed…  Understand the historical significance of Daleks and even the Cybermen, but Davies really hit on something with those Angels.  Maybe that kind of "they'll get you eventually" zombie vibe.

It says that we need to have a little talk…

It says that we need to have a little talk…

But it is unfortunate.

But it is unfortunate.