Chris in the Morning

It was that damned priest not granting the divorce, wasn't it?

It was that Vietnam Vet trying to blow up the Superbowl that took your love of laughter, wasn't it?

It was that Vietnam Vet trying to blow up the Superbowl that took your love of laughter, wasn't it?

It was those grifters taking your money that soured you on life, wasn't it?

It was those grifters taking your money that soured you on life, wasn't it?

It was the sharks picking off your fellow sailors…
One by one…

It was the sharks picking off your fellow sailors…
One by one…

Albert Brooks gag from old SNL.  Vet = Veterinarian.  Old man explaining why his cat can't be treated by the Black Vet… "I got no problem with Black people… it's Fluffy."

I taut da castle was yo faddas?

I taut da castle was yo faddas?

I think they develop a whole squad of heroes based on out-dated weaponry.

I think they develop a whole squad of heroes based on out-dated weaponry.

THEY must have seen her little stint on SNL.  Gold…

THEY must have seen her little stint on SNL.  Gold…

Black Vet.  Monkey.

Black Vet.  Monkey.

So what is this Spanish fella sayin?  Bugs was a sell-out?  Hope he goes blind.

So what is this Spanish fella sayin?  Bugs was a sell-out?  Hope he goes blind.

And is it just me, or does that monkey in elevator look like Jon Hamm?

And is it just me, or does that monkey in elevator look like Jon Hamm?