Chris in the Morning

Actually, very sound advice.  You youngens wouldn't know this but books were real things… and they were made of a flimsy material called paper.  I shit you not.

ah the Chowder Society…

ah the Chowder Society…

It's a nice bike…
We should just take it.
Apparently we're going to hell anyway.

It's a nice bike…
We should just take it.
Apparently we're going to hell anyway.

Any Palins left?

Any Palins left?

Sorry, didn't mean to get carried away.  I meant Heaven, David Byrne's bar.

Sorry, didn't mean to get carried away.  I meant Heaven, David Byrne's bar.

HEAVEN, you bastard!  Ernest went to HEAVEN!

HEAVEN, you bastard!  Ernest went to HEAVEN!

I would have pegged you for a "Aussie Philosophers…" man, but to each his/her gender-confused own.

I would have pegged you for a "Aussie Philosophers…" man, but to each his/her gender-confused own.

Don't I know it…

Don't I know it…

Butter-flavoured boots for everyone!  Yes, cast and crew…

Butter-flavoured boots for everyone!  Yes, cast and crew…

Tip to film makers:  avoid shooting near the busiest airports in the world.

Tip to film makers:  avoid shooting near the busiest airports in the world.

John Carter of Mars:  The Reddening