Chris in the Morning

You makin plans for Marcus?
I count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, snarks working overtime.

That banjo must be out of tune… someone's playing it.

That banjo must be out of tune… someone's playing it.

Just the haters don't like folk, Cyrus. Sorry haters, folk is catching on again…  ha!

Just the haters don't like folk, Cyrus. Sorry haters, folk is catching on again…  ha!

Is it true that there's a place in a man's head, that if you shoot it…

Is it true that there's a place in a man's head, that if you shoot it…

Brian, due to your genius status, I'll give you this one for free…   Tour as "The Beach Men".

Brian, due to your genius status, I'll give you this one for free…   Tour as "The Beach Men".

Really?  Worse than say…  HITLER!!!  I know she's awful and all but…  Oh MIKE Love… yah he's the worst.

Really?  Worse than say…  HITLER!!!  I know she's awful and all but…  Oh MIKE Love… yah he's the worst.

And they have damn fine pie!  OOPS!  Wrong small Washington State town!

And they have damn fine pie!  OOPS!  Wrong small Washington State town!

Should have went with Rosalyn…

Should have went with Rosalyn…

Thanks for the back-up, -.  I'm not much for formalities, do you mind if I call you - ?

Thanks for the back-up, -.  I'm not much for formalities, do you mind if I call you - ?

Nobody moils anymore, and we a lesser for it.

Nobody moils anymore, and we a lesser for it.

My fav "Korman loses it" moment was when Conway was on the pit crew and Korman was the race driver.  At one point Tim was going so slow, he started moving backwards and poor Harvey just lost it as usual.