Chris in the Morning

Way ta go, Spock!  Bringing logic to a shit slingin'.  why I oughta…

Rich, the homeless woman said she wanted trophies from the James Hetfield look-alike contest, so fuck her.

Heard of an Irish ZZ Top cover band.
ZZ Top o' the Mornin'

Kick A Ginger!

William "Big Dick" Defoe?

Some will survive…
Notably the Stones, and Mick and Keith will make us all feel better about ourselves at a big concert in Toronto…

To quote George…
All things must pass, Smeg.

Speak of douches…

This sucks…
Love to Levon and the family.

Sam shepard is great, but Levon had Yeager's voice and accent.

Well, it was the 70s…

That was that thing he did with Lilly Tomlin.

with Efram Zimbalist Jr. and special guest star Anthony Quinn.
Tonight's episode "Die Vince, Die!"

Who plays Angel?

Campbell could do Rockford.

Fillion could do it right…

Vince fuckin Vaughn?  Garner was the Man!

*checks AV Club, moves on with day*

Emmanuelle escaped Hell as well…

O'Neal:  Oh what a boring day, not much to work with…