Chris in the Morning


Rebel Wilson!

You're right.
I'm so fucking sorry…  I hope you folks forgive me and allow me to come back.

Grandpa Jones: 
I'm a poet
Who don't know it
My feet don't show it
Even though they're Longfellows!

What problem?

Kitties are funny!

Dispatch!  There is a suspicious Black woman trying to be funny!  I'm following her…

"Seemingly Innocuous Directions To Places Where Surprisingly Evil Things Reside,"

Now where did I put the white tank top of regret…


Commander in Chief Santorum

North of the Border…


Yup. that's what I'm sayin.

Oh, you cheeky Monkey!  Nicely done.

Sorry, for the typo, I meant Ontario Orangemen.  As in miltaristic Protestants.

Somebody wake up Hicks.


Don't you just hate it when frat boys stand-up routines get repetitive? It's like, come on, I've heard this one a million times, bring something new to the table.

Sharks would have found Anne Frank like that!