Chris in the Morning

You ever try to get Blood off of Chrome?  I know it's the only way to get a descent price on a used Harley is if it's a "death bike", but still.

Well okay, Scott Thompson…

Yup!  A Queen and everything!

Let's not marr this conversation with bad puns…

Gritty Reboot!

Circus peanuts + elephant = Chuckles the Clown!  Watch your ass, man!

I've had similar kindnesses from folks worse off than me…  Never from someone who could afford it.

I loved Tenspeed and Brownshoe!  Vereen & Goldblum!

Cuddy Snark!

With acting like this, how did this fail?

my fav Viva Variety moment…

Hey Now!

Would you say that to Billy Bob?

I was there, when this happened.  AV Club Rules!

So, who's looking out for Eve?

What kind of Mutton Jeff show is this?

Not the Mama!


It's The Night Chicago Died, by Paper Lace.  That OH CANADA thing is just a meme.  It's the song we like to sing before hockey.

Lydon wishes he were Keith, but the red hair tells the tale.