Chris in the Morning

Hey Cliffy, start with a Cape Buffalo and see how that works for ya.

I answer to Commie Bastard as well.

When Jan Micheal Vincent did it…
Gene Hackman kicked his fuckin ass.

Bumfights:  Man vs Horse.


Or his 1/2 brother Rossif.


Then Heckle and Jeckle are the Clash or the Damned?

Nick Nolte, Horse Whisperer:  Ahhh Jeezzzzz, ssssshitt, barghhhhhhhhhhhh, grummmmmm, run ya fuckin horse….    gah dammmmmmmmmmmm.  pfft, mmmnnnnh.  Fuck.

speaking of fat jokes…

Cee Lo tossed poor Sara under the bus…

Why yes!  Yes it is.  Don't listen to the Christers.  The world is Billions of years old.

purity of essence

HI - YO!


One of her redeeming qualities.

That brought my Golan to new heights!

Bardem, Bardem,  BOREDOM!

What is the treatment for rabies?

In the court of the crimson King….