Chris in the Morning

I'll take Dancin With The Stars!  It's Shite, but I'll be a rich as Croesus! It will be grand!

Is that Manifest Destiny or are you just happy to see me?

Thicke tells a story about taking Cameron aside and having a talk with him.  He asked Kirk to lighten up a little, they were working on one of the safest family shows on TV.  Cameron ignored him and continued hassling the cast and crew.  What a Tebow! 

2x-Hawk: Burn victims.  Cameron has got some dark, evil shit going on.

Yep!  It's a Lebowski spin-off.

And now he's beating off into it, oh dear…

HOW DARE YOU!  Clearly the flag had fallen and he is picking it up.

Thicke is the original hipster.

He could also use those slaves to grow industrial hemp.

Careful, or we'll have to wall you up in the abandoned Coke oven.

The Moon is a harsh mistress…

Gould:  M*A*S*H*
Voight:  Deliverence

^^^(in fear) If there's any love in me, don't let it show, 
oh and if there's any love in me, don't let it grow

Floyd…  I can't remember where you ripped that from, but I know it.  Hah!  Sutherland in Animal House!

Austin!  You wuss.  Try Bleak House.

Hope they waited an hour after they eating…

They seem stained, don't use them…

And on the Auteurs Collection of souvenir drinking glasses from McDonalds.

He's in a coma.  Has been since the bus crash.

You Go, Girl!