
Yeah, we did too, same deal where they wheeled the tv in and everything. I must have been in middle or high school and same thing with the Rodney King verdict, which was probably even more odd because I must have been in elementary school for that one.

Oh no! This is too sad. I don't want them to make this movie. :(

I do!

This show is a damned delight!

I politely and strongly agree with you. Leslie has become one of my favorite snl players and i find the intensity of the hatred here rather baffling.

That scene alone has earned this show all my good will!

I only really know him from The X-files Files and he sure seems like a sweet fella there!

I'm so happy for Kumail Nanjiani! That sweetheart is having his dream come true!

Ah! Thank you!

Ok, what did Major mouth to Ravi when Liv said the broke up? I rewound it twice, but still not sure. My best guess is "She broke up with me".

For me, the best use of 3d was Harold and Kumar's Christmas movie, of all things. It was nonsense of course, but I just remember it looking really nice the whole time and didn't give me a headache.

What a bunch of weirdos!!

Aaaaa! That was intense!

I was about to ask about Ward having a sister. I thought he'd mentioned having one, but I was starting to wonder if that was all in my head.

Yeah I was bothered the whole episode about Nick leaving her unguarded like that. Usually he calls Monroe and Rosalee immediately whenever something needs doing and this one time just mentions in passing that she's back and seriously injured when it happens to come up? sigh.

Well, yeah. He's at least been around to look at a little bit, but after Smallville, Welling just blipped out of existence!

Yay! I've missed him.

I giggled halfway through the commercial break after that one.

Yay! Major's not a murderer!

Seriously! My thought was "Aww man! Does every couple have to have an evil person?" Bobbi and Hunter don't know how lucky they are!