You should give it a watch. You're obviously someone who enjoys provoking people, which should make EBD and Kenny Powers appealing to you. Then again, maybe your self hate prevents you from enjoying people with whom you identify.
You should give it a watch. You're obviously someone who enjoys provoking people, which should make EBD and Kenny Powers appealing to you. Then again, maybe your self hate prevents you from enjoying people with whom you identify.
Great episode, all the way around.
It makes me wonder what Sutter thought about Chiklis as a producer and frequent director on THE SHIELD. (I still don't know how to italicize or bold things. Screw.) Maybe that's what informs his hot opinions about about how actors screw things up, that he got crossways in the writer's room with Mackey. I don't know. I…
Yeah, Mann's style, while admittedly not for everyone, is right in my aesthetic wheelhouse. I love the way this show looks.
Swansonites, if we're following the Code correctly, wouldn't bother with you enough to resort to physical violence over such trivialities. I can't yet decide if it would be taken as a sign of respect, but I can't imagine any physical harm would come your way. Perhaps a disapproving stare would be in order, though.
I still watch this show hoping it will rise to the promise of its first teaser where they're all dancing. That was the "cool" this show is claiming to have, but the show itself is something completely different. But, I think what it is at the moment is still pretty watchable, and I do agree it's getting better.
What a beautiful show. Like most on here, I didn't get half of what most of the people were saying, and certainly not what they meant by what they were saying, but I'm guessing I'll pick it up as the series moves along. There was a moment in the pilot where the girl is letting Nolte's horse run that took my breath…
Yeah, I agree he's a good bad guy. What he's not that Batiatus was is sympathetic. We spent nearly as much time rooting for John Hannah to rise up as we did Spartacus. He pulled off villian-hero perfectly. If they make us somewhat root for Glaber, or at least see his side of things, I think it will help us forget how…
This made me happy.
Really glad you're doing this, Ryan. The gimmicks SPARTACUS uses to reel you was dwarfed in the first season by the story they told and the way it was played. I'd say "Whore" and "Revelations" were as good dramatically as just about any hour(s) of television I watched all last year, which makes all the breasts and…
It's amazing how well thought through this show is. Not only did RES (Ron Effing Swanson) talk about the fact that he only rolls the ball down the middle, but they came back to that little throw-away with his inability to pick up a spare when he needed to throw anywhere else. Very well done.
This movie was my high school experience. I came along a little later, but in deep SE Texas, all of this took place, down to the Freshman girl hazing. The only difference was the hazing was the first week of the new school year, and it was a lot more intense and abusive. For the boys, especially the athletes, we had…
I think we were supposed to see that while the pain of the lye is terrible in the short run, it makes you square with Limehouse. The second option, while easier in the short run, is harder long-term, and hard-to-impossible to maintain that kind of vigilance. And to @avclub-ccddb19d94622d5ff1ee354d99d24d20:disqus 's…
As though that were a bad thing? THE SHIELD didn't have a letdown episode, much less a season, and certainly not two seasons. I used to like Sutter, and even liked his "not afraid to burn bridges/say anything" schtick. But it's gotten tired. Time to go away, Kurt.
Yeah, this. The more they make us feel sympathetic toward the child and Raylan's genuine emotion (fear, excitement) about his potential role as a father, the worse I feel that I don't want a Raylan-as-daddy storyline. I guess @avclub-6307a12d5c9e2fb5f23518a9a0ee8dd1:disqus truly is evil. I fear you. and you're…
Agreed on the greatness of True Romance. every scene builds upon the last. I only wish Walken had gone to LA for the finale.
I actually thought the most humanizing moment in the episode was Richard Schiff's (Gallweather) little speech to Marty at the end. It exposed the main character's insecurities and shortcomings in an almost real-life way. That, and he clearly loves his son, while struggling to understand him. But I agree that these…
There could be some sort of indentured servitude thing going to happen, where Boyd uses Dickie to do his bidding until he's served his usefulness. Then he'll kill him. Shooting Ava, and intending to kill her, will not be forgotten nor will it go unanswered by Boyd in the long game. And let's be honest, Dickie is every…
He was a sniper, right? We don't know a lot about Art, either, and I think that's ok. Time on other Marshalls in an inorganic way takes time away from the Marshall I do want to know about. If there is a way where it happens organically or means something, great. They'll get color. I don't think not knowing everything…