
There is a vibe to the debut that was never repeated, which is not surprising when you look at how it came into being in contrast to all later albums. Not only are all other records by a "different band," they're actually by a band and not just Grohl. To my ears, Nate Mendel's bass playing gives the second album the

Even though it has an obvious answer, I think this story creates a fairly interesting question: is the false assertion in the previous news reports [which were not authored by Sean O'Neal] actually defamatory?

Nooooooooo! This sucks.

Yeah, I was being tongue-in-cheek re: "your cousin." We're constantly fighting those legislative measures and trying to influence where the judiciary goes. The scorched-earth defense tactic is well-known, but there are ways to fund litigation that were not in place just a few years ago. Future medicals are often the

There's a lot of truth to what you say, but I know of some good lawyers getting pretty large results for the equivalent of everyone's poor-ass cousin from Nowheresville. Most of those results depend on whether the case actually has to be venued in Nowheresville, but with the increasing specialization of plaintiffs'

Virginia. That's the only one I know of.

Everybody knows that True Detective took place almost entirely in Louisiana. What this DVD cover presupposes is…maybe it didn't?

I can't seriously be the only one who'd like to go to Carcosa. Oh, how I long to see the black stars rise…

When I saw the headline, I was really, really, hoping that there were actual authors who had recorded a cover of that song. Maybe Jonathan Franzen doing an a cappella jam with Malcolm Gladwell?

Yes. Thank you. That's the proper motivation for putting on a record, and it is gratifying to commit to a session of listening. Some sound better than others, but CD quality is still very good quality, and I'm just not willing to believe that LPs are made from different masters than the CDs are.

It DID happen to someone: my friend Liz, in college. I told her to check out the show, and that was the night she decided to follow my advice. She was so pissed at me.

I guess I assumed the song was about triteness in the first place. Anyway, I try not to let words get in the way of a song. The chord changes, and the guitar figuration that calls back to Spit on a Stranger, are all familiar, but sometimes a song just hits the sweet spot where all the familiar things fit well

I succeeded in getting a friend into solo Malkmus by lending him "Pig Lib" so I would heartily recommend just listening to that one front to back. For what it's worth, I think the first solo album has a lower hit-to-miss ratio.

1% of One is what got me hooked on SM's solo work. For some reason, I heard Pig Lib before his self-titled. I also think that his technical ability on those songs is evenly matched by his inventiveness, and he manages to pull out a unique sound at the same time.

You're counting the "Slow Century" DVD?

Finally a chance to put this username to relevant use. I think what happened is the AV Club told me I needed a username, and I was listening to a SM+Jicks album, then figured "whatever."

Your opinions are correct. Those two are so satisfying. I just haven't been able to feel that great about Mirror Traffic, even though I want to.

The statement of opposing party exception would work for Nucky's statement to Eddie, but not Eddie's statement. Once Eddie dies, there's double hearsay at issue. If Eddie could truly be considered a co-conspirator, then maybe you've got something.

I watched this episode a week late, so I'm a week late in getting into the legal discussion. I found myself getting sidetracked trying to figure out what the law was and wasn't in the 1920s. I was surprised to see that (to the contrary of my faulty memory of criminal procedure classes) the Exclusionary Rule was alive

And that's when I had to look up that terrible song on Wikipedia, which informs me that the title phrase was a placeholder until more lyrics were completed, which never happened, then: "The song was later played to producer Fairbairn, who stated that,
although he did not know what an "unskinny bop" was, the phrase was