Hot Pie looked like hot pie.

Or they just could be going in for a pap smear or a fetal checkup! It might not be a miserable time in their life. They could just be getting a normal physical.

The sex scene was definitely the best sex scene in the show so far for me, since it was not incest, coerced, purchased or involving super young characters. But the whole time I was going 'ARE WE GONNA GET A ROBB ASS SHOT?!!??? I DEMAND EQUALITY! ROBB NUDITY!! ALMOST! COMEON! noooooooooooooo. boo.' So that bit was

The sex scene was definitely the best sex scene in the show so far for me, since it was not incest, coerced, purchased or involving super young characters. But the whole time I was going 'ARE WE GONNA GET A ROBB ASS SHOT?!!??? I DEMAND EQUALITY! ROBB NUDITY!! ALMOST! COMEON! noooooooooooooo. boo.' So that bit was

In the show, yes you can keep hope alive since Jorah is not as "Waaaaaaaaah I defended you, I deserve a taste of your 13 year old vag!" as in the books and is played by a hottie. But I sincerely hope that it does not happen, just because of my residual book opinions. 

In the show, yes you can keep hope alive since Jorah is not as "Waaaaaaaaah I defended you, I deserve a taste of your 13 year old vag!" as in the books and is played by a hottie. But I sincerely hope that it does not happen, just because of my residual book opinions. 

I've always heard Michiganders, but I'm a Yooper and thus am continually surrounded by ridiculous people.

I've always heard Michiganders, but I'm a Yooper and thus am continually surrounded by ridiculous people.

Yes. I am so glad that a rat did not tunnel through his perfect torso. And I loved Arya's face during that scene, just chewing some food and scoping out her bff, no big deal.

I'm normally into soft handed smart dudes, but that line in the show had me going "Ooooh mamma likes". I was disappointed at Marnie not walking away immediately when that guy said to stop giving a shit, but that last line made me weirdly a fan of that character. Maybe I just like straightforward people in my fiction!

Not all pies! I am offended at your generalization, sir or madam!

The only things I demand of this season are scenes of Pod being the best and some Stark boy nudity (preferably Robb, but I will not turn down some Lord's kissing if the occasion presents itself this season)…Actually, now that I think about it the only thing I demand is some Robb nudity. Sorry Pod!

@avclub-ea098057cb0d1379deaf8c1cf4a1fe3b:disqus  As a person of the female persuasion, let me just drop some advice.

Joan was still wearing her wedding ring, so she's keeping her single-motherhood on the dl. But once the ring comes off (if it does. She could say Dr. Rapey was KIA) she might deepen her friendship with Lane and make Roger jealous. I want her to have a public relationship with someone in the office, just so we can see

I completely agree. And I like the whole "A lady's courtesy is her armo(u)r" in public and just dropping the pretense and trying to be in charge of one little thing when she's alone. But I really love her, and can admit that if I was in her position and knew that being a Queen was a viable career choice I would be way

@Loki100:disqus  just guffawed in the library thinking about Dave in his Freddy Kruger outfit. If I didn't have mounds of shit to do I'd rewatch all of them!

I squealed when they said Pod's name, but I always pictured him as a wee adorable sprite. And can't wait for Hot Pie to fight for "HOT PIE".

That he did, that he did.

They added a sound to her leaving the tub that sounded like a whale jumping out of the sea. The whole thing was a little off, with the obvious cgi or double and that dubbing.

Ooh yeah. The sun setting in the east. That will be interesting to see, I don't think I've ever seen a realistic face melting on TV (or anywhere I suppose).

Pod is seriously one of my faves too! I just want him to grow up and marry Sansa and live his dream of being a nice knight! Ugh, I just wanna hand him a blanket and set him on my couch and give him some tea! I MUST USE ALL EXCLAMATIONS FOR THAT TINY BOY!