Jimmy Barrett

You're the bizarro version of every man watching porn.

(tucks Kubrick crayon back under armpit for safe keeping)

Avatarzan: Legend of Greyscale

(Indy unearths a Mayan dildo)

Dan In Real Bondage

Letter have her fun.

"Bad date movies."

That's what I call a smooth operetta.

"You throw me the whip, I throw you an engagement ring."

Jean Grey or GTFO!

Fifty Sades Agree:

Fiftier, Shadier, Greyer

Two dates right before Valentine's Day. The perfect date movie to watch before a post-coital breakup.

The big, big problem with the Underwoods is that we as a viewer should be fairly omniscient, at least in the sense that we see them with their guard down.

The show is so embarrassing when it comes to technology.

I would like to see a chart that matches up Depp's career vs. Burton's career. It would probably have a similar arc, but it would look weird because it would keep intersecting. It would look like a DNA strand.

The biggest wasted opportunity for me this season was the episode with the Buddhist monk guys and the show not "going there" by having Frank get all pissed off and flip the table over. Either that, or mount Claire on the damn thing.


I doubt it. The show's gonna keep having Doug run into Rachel doppelgangers and then spacing out for a minute.

It just felt like since he was third billed on the first two seasons, they needed to keep his whole bullshit up in the air.