
But then again, I live in Indianapolis, a place where Sufjan Stevens seems to still be popular. Earlier this year, I considered buying tickets to his Christmas concert, but I was told that they sold out day one.  My reaction, "Yeah, that seems like the kind of music Indianapolis would be into."

But then again, I live in Indianapolis, a place where Sufjan Stevens seems to still be popular. Earlier this year, I considered buying tickets to his Christmas concert, but I was told that they sold out day one.  My reaction, "Yeah, that seems like the kind of music Indianapolis would be into."

Umm… super-twee indie folk?  Isn't that what Mumford and Sons and The Avett Brothers are (sure the hell sounds like it to me…).  And while yes, I am sick of it, I think the indie radio stations are testament of people still listening to that crap.

Umm… super-twee indie folk?  Isn't that what Mumford and Sons and The Avett Brothers are (sure the hell sounds like it to me…).  And while yes, I am sick of it, I think the indie radio stations are testament of people still listening to that crap.

I'd rather watch The Silver Jews Early Times informercial again.  In fact I did.

I'd rather watch The Silver Jews Early Times informercial again.  In fact I did.

"What do you call your show?"
"The Aristocrats!"
"That's a dumb name, we'll call it Family Guy, cancel it, allow it to build a cult following on Cartoon Network, and then bring it back forever."

"What do you call your show?"
"The Aristocrats!"
"That's a dumb name, we'll call it Family Guy, cancel it, allow it to build a cult following on Cartoon Network, and then bring it back forever."

She still choked on them though, dying.

She still choked on them though, dying.

I'm pretty sure that's anti-freeze.  I wouldn't drink it.

I'm pretty sure that's anti-freeze.  I wouldn't drink it.

*rides off on firstie*

*rides off on firstie*

Who loves orange soda?  I do I do I doooooooo-ooooooo.

Who loves orange soda?  I do I do I doooooooo-ooooooo.



