Oh, just that.
Oh, just that.
Oh, just that.
These people are just one disfiguring accident away from being super villains aren't they?
These people are just one disfiguring accident away from being super villains aren't they?
Must just be wishful thinking.
Must just be wishful thinking.
Rapid Eye Movement
Rapid Eye Movement
I was going to wish a certain illness on you, but that joke isn't funny anymore.
I was going to wish a certain illness on you, but that joke isn't funny anymore.
What do we always say is the most important thing?
What do we always say is the most important thing?
Does the kid have the ability to turn from kid mode to car mode?
Does the kid have the ability to turn from kid mode to car mode?
If the AIDs aren't fresh, he should at least use frozen.
If the AIDs aren't fresh, he should at least use frozen.
TBS: Meh.
TBS: Meh.
Where the hell do you work that allows this crap? I couldn't even wear jeans on Saturday at my last crappy job.
Where the hell do you work that allows this crap? I couldn't even wear jeans on Saturday at my last crappy job.