Oh, and not to be a douche… I watched this episode and thought it was funny. The Nimoy stuff was great. The rest was typical Big Bang Theory. Good but nothing to Skype home to India about.
Oh, and not to be a douche… I watched this episode and thought it was funny. The Nimoy stuff was great. The rest was typical Big Bang Theory. Good but nothing to Skype home to India about.
A higher grade than Community? Clearly, this is the darkest timeline.
Ice can't tell time.
Like the world really needs more Jim-Pam DNA.
It's the opposite of Batman.
Go back to cheating on your wife, Gingrich.
Oh wait… that would have been funnier if Todd had replied to it. Sorry.
None taken!
You know… I'm also wondering who called in the tip and if it will become a future plot point.
Spit on a Stranger is the first song on Terror Twilight, coincidence?
You're the opposite of Batman.
The Spaceman that kills the Doctor?
You know, I was thinking that something didn't seem right about the chronology too. Is it possible that in actuality Rory and Amy actually are summoned by the Doctor after this episode? I'm sure someone has already suggested this, but I'm a new user here and thus don't care enough about etiquette to read all these…
The Doctor says, "Real door keys, the car too." Now maybe in British English this could mean that he was throwing Rory car keys, but I wouldn't call "car keys" "door keys."