Violet Strange

I have to say, I don't think she'd do that. Mere seconds after her husband's death and her complete loss of status, her first action was to get her daughter out of an awful arranged marriage — someone she could have used as a way to preserve some of her own wealth. She's lost children herself. I don't think she's

" He should have realized that Alicia used the other investigator. Cary's smarter than that, I hate it when writers make smart characters dumb."
I don't think it's unreasonable for Cary to think Kalinda might pick Alicia over him and for him to ignore the other investigator in this instance.

@twitter-38498766:disqus  Former police detective, actually. Stottlemeyer was his partner at one point.

It didn't feel like a huge revelation to me, but part explanation and part set up. If the Rayna and Deacon thing goes anywhere now that her marriage is over they're all set up for Lamar/Rayna's mom/Watty part 2, with added complications whenever the oldest daughter finally finds out or starts to suspect Teddy isn't

I think the smart money's on "Jeremiah Crichton" given the 'coming soon' note. Also, it's "Jeremiah Crichton".

Diane Lockhart is pretty much my ideal candidate for any public office, I actually watch Vampire Diaries, and I'm still not entirely sure *I* could get past it to take her seriously.


"She has one of the most significant plots (which is to say, she is a
bigger plot point than EVER BEFORE) ever and she just disappears after
major events, TWICE?"

If anyone is curious about how that works, the best way is with a waist stay. They're also really handy on dresses that aren't strapless but have a lot of fabric in the skirt — with the stay supporting the weight of the skirt, it doesn't pull/distort the bodice. (Puts less strain on the zipper too.)

While I'm not foolish enough to claim the show's been entirely consistent, there is support for a non-fatal wound not seriously harming the possessing demon.  Dean only shooting John in the leg in the season 1 finale and allowing Azazel to get away leaps to mind.

Season 4, the episode where they were supposed to design an outfit for Tiki Barber. I think it was pretty early in the season, but don't hold me to that.

Even though as a rule, I have absolutely no sympathy for people who claim they can only make clothes for runway model sized/proportioned people (Most of the designers aren't that size — have they never had the experience of trying on clothes that didn't fit right? How did they *not* think about how to fix the problem

Given the number of parties that appear out of nowhere in Mystic Falls I don't really think they'd need to be friends. Hell, I could believe it went more like "call liquor store and request keg -> Store promptly emails/texts every teenager in town — 'Party @ Salvatore house. Closest thing to a responsible adult is

I'm going to say no, the amount of sewing required wouldn't actually be as lowered as you might expect. One day is insane for something of this nature for people without experience. Hell, it's be tough *with* experience.

I think the helium works only because it's Rygel. He's largely in charge of being everything that is unpleasant and revolting *and* fundamental to being a real flesh and blood (… for certain definitions of 'flesh' and 'blood') person. Of course his bodily functions are going to be weird, cause occasional havoc, and be

" "Why would you go low?" - I'm on Gus' side, when he said front pocket I
assumed he meant his pants too otherwise I figure would would
specifically say the pocket in his jacket."

So we can see him stranded outside, looking in the window of the Bluebird like the poor Little Match Boy and laugh? It was certainly an episode that needed a little levity. (See also: Teddy trying to out-glare Powers Boothe. Hee!)

@avclub-dd4b0c469c5da3d225bc29b22e4128c1:disqus  : Where you see 'un-assholish', I see passive-aggressive. Deacon has a really annoying habit of saying things in a very put-upon way that makes it seem like he's just trying to help and then backtracking when the person he was advising fails to do everything exactly

I think it's been pretty well established that Avery is not that bright.